SpringBoot Support Gradle 7 and raise minimum supported version of Gradle 6.x to 6.8

We're already testing against Gradle 7.0 so this is largely a documentation update. We should also raise the supported v...

SpringBoot Document more prominently that DataJpaTest sets spring.jpa.show-sql=true by default

See #25841 for some background. We could do with making it clearer that, by default, @DataJpaTest sets spring.jpa.show-s...

SpringBoot Provide auto-configuration for using Apache HttpClient 5 with WebClient

Framework 5.3 added support for Apache HttpClient 5 to WebClient. We should add corresponding support in Spring Boot. I ...

SpringBoot Docs contribution section

Comment From: cdalexndrContribution section needs a guide to editing docs (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boo...

SpringBoot Remove unused method parameters

Hi,this PR removes a couple unused method parameters.Cheers,ChristophComment From: dreis2211Test failure seems unrelated...

SpringBoot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.

SpringBoot Wildfly deployment tests are failing due to micrometer-metrics/micrometer#2557

We can work around It for now with some Wildfly deployment metadata to open up com/sun/management.See micrometer-metrics...

SpringBoot logging.pattern.console Special phenomenon

SpringBootVersion: 2.3.9.RELEASEI found that if I define logging.pattern.console in the properties file(application.prop...

SpringBoot Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.4.4 results in "Failed to bind properties"

I've update Spring Boot from 2.4.3 to 2.4.4 and got***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START***************...

SpringBoot ServerHttpSecurity.authorizeExchange().pathMatchers(...) doesn't accept reactive EndpointRequest

Originally Reported via spring-projects/spring-security#5002HttpSecurity.authorizeRequests().requestMatchers(EndpointReq...

SpringBoot Provide health for an AbstractRoutingDataSource's resolved targets

Fixes gh-22824Comment From: onobc@wilkinsona not sure if this is what you had in mind - let me know where we need to adj...

SpringBoot Expose Spring Data Repository metrics

Spring Data repository invocations are not metered yet and it would make sense to expose invocation metrics to improve o...

SpringBoot spring-boot-server-tests is no longer testing the embedded servlet containers' static resource support

https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/commit/1342e4970a85a24eb07d955741f884392b79bb7e added spring-webmvc to th...

SpringBoot Javadoc link for non-public autoconfiguration classes does not exist

Hi,while going through the docs, I noticed that we have a broken link in https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current...

SpringBoot CodecConfigurationException: Can't find a codec for class com.mongodb.DBRef

Hello, Spring Boot 2.0.0.M4mongodb-driver-reactivestreams 1.6.0I'm facing a bug that appear when I save an entity with @...

SpringBoot Add reference to Bitcoin starter

I would like to include Bitcoin related starter modules in the list of Spring Boot Starters.The project contains Spring ...

SpringBoot Remove last mention of Gradle 5.6.x support from docs

Hi,the getting started section still mentions Gradle 5.6 support, but that was dropped a short while ago.Cheers,Christop...

SpringBoot FileSystemWatcherTests are flaky

A number of tests assume that there will only be a single change set. This assumption only holds true if everything betw...

SpringBoot Fix MongoMetricsAutoConfigurationTests

This PR fixes the following:nested ContextConsumermissing .with(MetricsRun.simple())They could make the tests pass unint...

SpringBoot Fix typos in docs

Hi,I just noticed a couple of typos in the docs.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollThanks again @dreis2211
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