SpringBoot Enable whenAProjectUsesKotlinItsModuleMetadataIsRepackagedIntoBootInfClasses once Kotlin supports Java 16

We can remove this line once we've upgraded to a version of Kotlin that supports Java 16.

SpringBoot Allow RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory to be customized (to set SaslConfig or enable NIO for example)

With the auto configure for rabbitmq, currently it is not possible to set SaslConfig. Currently, it always uses the defa...

SpringBoot Add reference to IBM MQ Spring Boot starter

RE: #26036 Pull request to add a reference to IBM MQ Spring Boot starter.Comment From: wilkinsona@chughts Thanks very mu...

SpringBoot Disable h2c test with Jetty 10

There's a problem with Jetty 10 and Apache HttpClient 5's h2c support that's causing a test failure. I've opened https:/...

SpringBoot Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.5.2

Comment From: snicollThis release of HSQLDB switches the main artifact to Java 11. The release notes claim that it's rel...

SpringBoot Allow RabbitConnectionFactoryBean to be customized (to set SaslConfig for example)

this enhancement Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the PR. Unfortunately, this isn’t really what we had in mind. As the...

SpringBoot Re-enable Jetty 10 h2c testing once Jetty 10 and Apache HttpClient 5 incompatibility has been addressed

See https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/6164.Comment From: wilkinsonaThe Jetty team have identified that it'...

SpringBoot By default EmbeddedDb isn't closed in the end of context

When I build tests against EmbeddedDB (hsqldb), I noticed that in between @DirtiesContext that DB isn't closed:Caused by...

SpringBoot Add property to control the auto-configuration of a DataSource for an embedded database

The DataSourceAutoConfiguration does not offer a way to disable the implicit creation of a DataSource if a suitable data...

SpringBoot Add reference to IBM MQ Spring Boot starter

I would like to add the IBM mq-jms-spring-boot-starter ( https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-jms-spring ) to the list of...

SpringBoot Automatically enable h2c when HTTP/2 is enabled without SSL

If you want to use HTTP/2 from end-to-end, an app that's running behind a proxy that's performing TLS termination will n...

SpringBoot I want to make a aspect which will take effect when i add a annotation on the type and method,but failed

I want to make a aspect which will take effect when i add a annotation on the type and method.the Aspect class:@Compone...

SpringBoot Does spring-boot-maven-plugin support binding volume in pack CLI

Does spring-boot-maven-plugin support binding volume in pack CLIpack a --volume /a:/b Comment From: philwebbSee #23518...

SpringBoot Test encoding with Spring MVC Resources

25949 changed the test that caught https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/26775. We should introduce...

SpringBoot @Persistent should not be considered when scanning for MongoDB entities

As a result of https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb/issues/3592, Spring Data MongoDB has stopped looki...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Netty 4.1.63.Final

Comment From: msmsimondeanAs I've flagged in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/26031#issue-856157193...

SpringBoot Releasing a new version of Spring Boot to bring in the fix for a new medium vulnerability in Netty

Hi. Are there any immediate plans to release a new version of Spring Boot (e.g. Spring Boot 2.4.5) that includes the fi...

SpringBoot Add metrics for AbstractRoutingDataSource.

Fixes gh-22823Comment From: onobcI will fix the conflicts w/in next 24 hrs - just noticed it.Comment From: wilkinsonaTha...

SpringBoot Getting AbstractMethodErrorException when migrating from Spring Boot 1.5.9.RELEASE to 2.1.4.RELEASE; spring version 5.1.6.RELEASE

Hi, I have a parent pom in my project that was using spring boot 1.5.9.RELEASE. I have upgraded this to 2.1.4.RELEASE. I...

SpringBoot Elasticsearch auto-configuration does not configure default converters

Spring boot autoconfigured ElasticsearchRestTemplate class causes following log output when handling an entity having Bi...
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