SpringBoot Declare optional dependency on shade plugin to fix eclipse auto-completion

Trying with 2.3.1 today, I still didn't get auto-completion for our Maven plugin.Comment From: philwebb@wilkinsona disco...

SpringBoot Log ApplicationAvailability state changes

While discussing #22632, we thought that logging ApplicationAvailability state changes should be generally useful for ap...

SpringBoot Add R2DBC support for schema.sql and data.sql

It would be nice if schema.sql and data.sql could work with R2DBCComment From: wilkinsonaRe-opening to include SqlInitia...

SpringBoot Document limitations of using deferred JPA bootstrap and early access to JPA

Version: Spring Boot 2.3.xMinimal example: Autowiring for instance an objectMapper into a custom AttributeConverter work...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Spring Data 2021.0.0

Comment From: mp911deProject Dependencies Spring Data 2021.0.0Cassandra Driver (com.datastax.oss:java-driver-bom): 4.11....

SpringBoot Tests that use Neo4jContainer are flaky

The container sometimes fails to start within the timeout. When Gradle's test retry integration retries it, it works. Wh...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Infinispan 12.1.1.Final

Comment From: snicollStarting an embedded server with default settings leads to:2021-04-13 15:41:25.660 INFO --- [ ...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.8

Comment From: mp911deProject Dependencies Spring Data 2020.0.8Cassandra Driver (com.datastax.oss:java-driver-bom): 4.9.0...

SpringBoot Migrated class condition on deprecated class in ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration

ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration has a class check on ElasticsearchTemplate that's deprecated.This has been fixed in 2...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann-SR9

Comment From: mp911deProject Dependencies Spring Data Neumann-SR9Cassandra Driver (com.datastax.oss:java-driver-bom): 4....

SpringBoot Mention special behavior of spring.config.additional-location in docs

spring.config.additional-location doesn't work if you put it in aconfig file.Comment From: snicoll@rehevkor5 good catch....

SpringBoot Converters added directly to the bean factory's conversion service are not used for property binding when @ConfigurationPropertiesBinding bean is defined

Currently If @ConfigurationPropertiesBinding beans are detected then a new ConverterService is created for use with the ...

SpringBoot lettuce infinite print log - Unexpected exception during request: java.lang.NullPointerException

backgroundspring-boot 2.3.9 RELEASEdefault lettuce 5.3.6 RELEASEredis cluster modesome bean use @PostConstruct and meth...

SpringBoot #25857 update lettuce version for fix infinite print log bug

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@wbzj1110 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synchron...

SpringBoot Fix Docker update detection on CI

Hi,I just noticed that the Docker update detection job apparently didn't notice any new updates, while there are newer v...

SpringBoot Make ApplicationConversionService.getSharedInstance() unmodifiable

It's currently possible to add and remove converters from ApplicationConversionService.getSharedInstance(). I think it w...

SpringBoot Allow Spring Security's RSA key converters to be used when binding configuration properties

Spring Security ships with converters for reading RSA public and private key files. These are applied to the application...

SpringBoot Consider defining a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' in your configuration.

I have a question.My version is 2.4.4, JPA is ok until I use multiply Datasource change have to 'Consider defining a bea...

SpringBoot Add Quartz actuator endpoint

This PR adds Actuator endpoint that lists Quartz Scheduler jobs and allows retrieval of their details.The updated spring...

SpringBoot Fix Spring Data Elasticsearch deprecations

Hi,this PR removes some deprecated @Document properties in favor of using the new @Setting annotation.Cheers,ChristophCo...
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