SpringBoot Support @Timed annotation for WebFlux

Fixes #18680Comment From: patpatpat123Hello Team, I am currently using 2.4.1 recently released.The issue is still here I...

SpringBoot Add picocli as a managed dependency

according to the reference docs groovy-cli-picocli is a managed dependency, however picocli itself is not, as I use pico...

SpringBoot Change spring.kafka.streams.cleanup.on-shutdown default to false

See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/pull/1739 for the upstream spring-kafka change.Comment From: snicoll...

SpringBoot Allow spring.config.location directories to end with system-dependent separators

In Windows the file path separator character is \ not /. Currently whenparsing a config location ending with \ in window...

SpringBoot Develop custom ApplicationEnvironment implementation

We could improve quite a few things if we developed our own Environment implementation rather than relying on StandardEn...

SpringBoot Short circuit checking of source already covered by ConfigurationPropertySources

(edited with updated description)Currently ConfigurationPropertySources is added to the environment so that relaxed prop...

SpringBoot Neo4j bolt

add autoconfiguration for bolt driver, including testsgh-6690Comment From: vince-bickersshould probably also take this o...

SpringBoot spring-core-5.2.10.RELEASE- ThymeleafTemplateResolver cant resolve template path of classpath on compiled Jar

Hello Spring Team,sadly i couldnt find a solution for following problem.currently im using the latest version of spring...

SpringBoot Gradle bootBuildImage does not preserve file permissions for resources

When the Gradle plugin bootBuildImage task is writing the archive file contents to builder container it does not preserv...

SpringBoot Document how to customize dependency version in Version properties appendix

Version properties doc only lists all the version properties.How do you set these properties in gradle?For example the f...

SpringBoot Configuration of ciphers is ignored for TCP with Reactory Netty

Follow-up of https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty/issues/1543There is a new API available, but we need to figure out...

SpringBoot DISCONNECTED_CLIENT+=PrematureCloseException

reactor.netty.http.client.PrematureCloseException is equivalent for org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException a...

SpringBoot Cannot upgrade Spring Boot app to Java 16

DescriptionToday I tried to upgrade our playground spring boot app from Java 14 to Java 16 and failed with that.ProblemT...

SpringBoot Keystore.load calls do not close InputStream

I noticed that Java process keeps lock on the keystore file when Netty+SSL is used on Windows.Detailed investigation sho...

SpringBoot Improve docs on editing static resources with instant "hot" reload

According to Reload static content hot reloading of FreeMarker templates should work in the IDE as long as spring.freema...

SpringBoot Application does not terminate upon completion of CommandLineRunner anymore

I run some java batch processes using this code structure:@SpringBootApplicationpublic class Application { public sta...

SpringBoot Docker rate limits reached in BootBuildImageIntegrationTests

Hi,I think BootBuildImageIntegrationTests needs to be revisited again. It's hitting Docker's rate limits on CI: https://...

SpringBoot Propagate TestSecurityContextHolder to SecurityContextHolder after MockMvc calls

The ProblemAfter performing any MockMvc request, the SecurityContext is cleared using ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderSt...

SpringBoot Add detection of Azure App Service to CloudPlatform

Add Azure platform support to Spring Boot.More specifically, this adds "Azure App Service" support to Spring Boot - as t...

SpringBoot Static inner class is not identified by @Autowired

Kindly please let me know why the below code snippet does not work with 2.4.3 after upgrade from 1.5.9@Componentpublic c...
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