SpringBoot Including Spring Native breaks layertools

A project with only Spring Native (can be created from start.spring.io) breaks the layertools jar mode:$ java -Djarmode=...

SpringBoot Spring boot not starting with expected umask setting

We are trying to start an spring boot app ( default runtime - tomcat ) using a service account with has a umask value of...

SpringBoot Remote devtools endpoint cannot be accessed if actuator and spring security are on the classpath

managementSecurityFilterChain does not have an explicit order and will override the securityFilterChain in RemoteDevtool...

SpringBoot Configure SameSite attribute on session Cookies for Spring WebFlux

This issue is about configuring the SameSite attribute in a consistent way for session cookies in Spring WebFlux.Here's ...

SpringBoot ConfigData imports cannot override profile specific imports

Description:Lets say there is a profile baz.classpath:application-baz (local to jar) is overriding application-baz from ...

SpringBoot Auto-configure Mongo metrics

The current mechanism to enable Micrometer metrics for Mongo is to add the MongoMetricsCommandListener to the MongoClien...

SpringBoot Add InfluxDB customizer hook point

More configuration properties are added in order to allowcustomization for influxdb bean. Also, in order tocustomize inf...

SpringBoot MockMvc @RequestScope bean not working

Spring Boot 2.4.2Having a @RequestScope bean autowired inside the controller, the following test fails:@SpringBootTest@A...

SpringBoot log4j2(xml) configuration enhancement, support <SpringProfile> tag

Enhance the configuration of log4j2 (xml), support Profile-specific Configuration (&lt;SpringProfile&gt;), consistent wi...

SpringBoot Spring does not respect jpa bootstrap mode in application.properties

spring.data.jpa.repositories.bootstrap-mode has been reverted to default since spring boot 2.4.1.I want to enable spring...

SpringBoot Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.4.2 results in ConverterNotFoundException for String to Duration

I've encountered an issue when upgrading from Spring Boot 2.4.1 to 2.4.2. I can't determine if it is an actual issue wit...

SpringBoot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.

SpringBoot log4j2(xml) configuration enhancement, support <SpringProfile> tag

Enhance the configuration of log4j2 (xml), support Profile-specific Configuration (&lt;SpringProfile&gt;), consistent wi...

SpringBoot When running with a context hierarchy, PrimaryDefaultValidatorPostProcessor causes a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when a Validator is in an ancestor context

When BeanDefinitionRegistry.getBeanDefinition() is called it will throw NoSuchBeanDefinitionException which will cause f...

SpringBoot Provide a request attribute for storing exception info for tagging purposes

As part of #23795, we've found that errors handled by the web infrastructure are inconsistently tagged by our metrics su...

SpringBoot Tomcat is serving web page response content extremely slow

After upgrading from spring-boot 2.2.7. to spring boot 2.3.3 we are experiencing extreme slowness in receiving web conte...

SpringBoot Spring Boot 2.4.4 maven test incompatible

Same pom.xml, just upgrade Spring Boot parent from 2.3 to 2.4 but:Spring Boot 2.4.4: mvn clean test doesn't run any test...

SpringBoot MissingPathVariableException not thrown when the path variable is not at the end of URL

Having an issue with the following rest controller in spring boot version 2.3.4.RELEASE, spring security 5.3.4, spring w...

SpringBoot Use ApplicationContextRunner in ValidationAutoConfigurationTests

https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/25800 will need some additions to ValidationAutoConfigurationTests. ...

SpringBoot How to enable HTTP/2 (in particular h2c) on management endpoints when mangement.server.port is set

Hi, I'd like to enable HTTP/2 on the management endpoints when they are exposed on a different port (set via management....
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