Pandas BUG: MultiIndex union/difference not commutative

Pandas version checks[X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.[X] I have confirmed this bug exis...

Pandas BUG: Poor GroupBy Performance with ArrowDtype(...) wrapped types

Pandas version checks[x] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.[x] I have confirmed this bug exis...

Pandas ENH: Add an iterdicts() function

Feature Type[x] Adding new functionality to pandas[ ] Changing existing functionality in pandas[ ] Removing existing fun...

Pandas BUG: Memory leak when creating a df inside a loop

Pandas version checks[x] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.[x] I have confirmed this bug exis...

Pandas Support for Storing and Retrieving Complex Data Types (e.g., Embeddings) in Pandas DataFrames

Feature Type[x] Adding new functionality to pandas[x] Changing existing functionality in pandas[x] Removing existing fun...

Keras Inplace modification error during back propagation when training a stateful LSTM using PyTorch as backend

When creating a stateful LSMT model in Keras 3 with PyTorch as the backend PyTorch performs in-place operations during b...

Keras Scikit-Learn API Wrappers don't work with Model input

When using the new Scikit-Learn API Wrappers with a compiled Model as input, the wrapper does not work, running into err...

Keras Saving a model wrapped in SKLearnClassifier?

I've tried saving an SKLearnClassifier using pickle, but I don't seem able to because of TypeError: cannot pickle 'modul...

Keras Unrecognized keyword arguments passed to GRU: {'time_major': False} using TensorFlow 2.18 and Python 3.12

Hi everyone,I encountered an issue when trying to load a Keras model saved as an .h5 file. Here's the setup:Python versi...

Keras SKLearnClassifier not working properly

Some day ago I was trying to add a Keras model to scikit-learn Pipeline using SKLearnClassifier (wrapper), but I got thi...

MyBatis-Plus [错误报告]: 官方文档自定义DTO/VO的示例代码跑不通

确认[x] 我使用的版本是最新版, 并且使用插件确认过项目里无依赖版本冲突[x] 我已经在 issue 中搜索过, 确认问题没有被提出过[x] 我已经修改标题, 将标题中的 描述 替换为遇到的问题当前程序版本3.5.10.1问题描述官网文档...

Redis [QUESTION] I'm trying to install redis on oracular lsb_release, however, the doesn't seem to exist.

I'm trying to install redis on oracular lsb_release. However, it seems this link:

Spring Cloud Openfeign Has the default implementation of QueryMapEncoder changed?

Describe The BugThe version I am using is Java 1.8, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 2.2.9.When using @SpringQueryMap befo...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Spring Security 6.5.0-M2

Upgrade to Spring Security 6.5.0-M2.Comment From: teerth17can u assign this to me?

SpringBoot Inconsistent stop behavior across various Web Server implementations

Javadoc states:Stops the web server. Calling this method on an already stopped server has no effect.I reviewed all WebSe...

Spring Gayflare showing-offs and brainhucking muzz never ruin spring-related XML validation

Attempt to validate Spring XMLs when building jee project with e.g. 'spring-context.xml' referring following schema defi...

Pandas groupby.apply make additional operation.

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pdtt=[]def func(x): tt.append(x.B.iloc[0]) return...

Pandas Suggestion on Attributes in Pandas

This is a suggestion and not an issue.Pandas adds the column names as attributes of the Dataframe which is quite useful ...

Pandas Can't use result of binary operator in DataFrame.eval()

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [2, 3, 4]})df...

Pandas Feature request: drop all rows containing value

When chaining multiple calls I often want to select certain elements. Unfortunately getting only the values requires ass...