springboot Upgrade CI to Docker 19.03.5

Forward port of issue #20157 to 2.2.5.

springboot Upgrade CI to Docker 19.03.5

Hi,this PR upgrades to Docker 19.03.5 in the CI setup. It's almost impossible for me to test this locally in a proper wa...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Asciidoctor Extensions 0.4.1.RELEASE

We need to upgrade to 0.4.1.RELEASE to pick up two workarounds for problems in AsciidoctorJ that are triggered by the ex...

springboot Configuration property references are rendered incorrectly in the reference documentation

We're missing a dependency on the Asciidoctor extension so source like configprop:spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto[] proper...

springboot Upgrade to Asciidoctor Gradle JVM 3.0.0

Hi,this PR upgrades to org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-jvm:3.0.0 and fixes related issues that prevented building the...

springboot Remove plugin management for "infinispan-protocol-parser-generator-maven-plugin"

This plugin is no longer published with new infinispan releases.

springboot Revert usage of Infinispan BOM

Unfortunately, there is one more issue with the BOM so I suggest that we stop using it for the time being.

springboot very high response time on spring boot compare to non containerized one

hi allI have a Java application on bare metal servers with the response time less than 5ms. I have containerized the app...

springboot Invalid variable reference in maven-shade-plugin configuration

This should fix my prior PR #20052. I am pretty sure this is correct, but sadly I seem to be unable to fully build the p...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.4.2

Comment From: caushikIs there any documentation of what is required to be done.Silly question, How can I contribute to t...

springboot Structure your code link in section 25.3.25 of multi-page HTML documentation is broken

The structure your code link in this section of the documentation links to a non-existent anchor on the same page. It sh...

springboot Structure your code link in section 25.3.25 of multi-page HTML documentation is broken

Forward port of issue #20145 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Invalid variable reference in maven-shade-plugin configuration

When trying to use the maven-shade-plugin plugin in a project using the latest 2.3.0.M1 milestone release we encounter t...

springboot Exclude jcl-over-slf4j also on Reactive Cassandra starter

Hi,the missing exclude for jcl-over-slf4j is currently failing the build.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicoll🤦‍♂️Commen...

springboot Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.4.0

Comment From: snicollThe upgrade brings a sl4j binding we should exclude. I've tried adding the following the the bom bu...

springboot Spring Security multiple AuthenticationProviders causing default provider configured

I have configured spring security using:@Import(SecurityProblemSupport.class)@EnableWebSecurity@Configuration@EnableGlob...

springboot Perform URI sanitisation for properties named address, addresses, and uris

Forward port of issue #19999 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Perform URI sanitisation for properties named address, addresses, and uris

Closes gh-19626Comment From: mbhaveThanks @bono007. This has now been merged into master.

springboot spring-boot-starter-data-redis stuck at start-up

spring-boot-starter-data-redis is 2.2.4 with spring-cloud Hoxton SR1.upgrade to spring-boot-2.2.4, the program stuck at ...

springboot Upgrade to javassist 3.23.1-GA / JDK 11 issue

Application does not start when using JDK11. It seems that there is a problem with javassist and Hibernate:2018-09-26 02...
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