springboot Health group with composite contributor results in 404

I would like the ability to assign a CompositeHealthContributor to a Health Group via configuration.Currently, the manag...

springboot Fix some deprecation warnings

Hi,this PR fixes a couple of deprecation warnings.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Upgrade maven enforcer plugin to 3.0.0

It's not released yet and we're currently on M1. I don't think we can downgrade at this point so we'll probably need to ...

springboot Issues while using springboot-gradle-plugin with Eclipse

I'm having issues to use springboot-gradle-plugin with Eclipse.I had created this stackoverflow post:https://stackoverfl...

springboot Dependency resolution fails with Gradle 5.3.x to 5.6.x

I just tried to install v2.2.3 by updating the Gradle plugin:plugins { id "org.springframework.boot" ve...

springboot Switch default value of Neo4j open session in view

The current default of "open session in view" for Spring Data Neo4j hurts performance in cluster scenarios.By opening th...

springboot HazelcastClientFactory may return null if there is no HazelcastClient for the given name

See gh-19709Comment From: nosanThanks once again @snicoll 👍

springboot @ConfigurationProperties prefix with capital letters causes fail

I discovered this in trying to upgrade from Spring boot 1.4.1 to 2.0.0.M2If I have a yaml file with the following:myProp...

springboot HazelcastClientFactory can return null instead of HazelcastInstance if there is no HazelcastClient for the given name

Hello,When I was working on https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/19669 I found thatHazelcastAutoConfigura...

springboot i18n by lang URL parameter on error page

Hello.It seems that there is no translation management from the error pages. I currently have a spring-boot 2.2.2 applic...

springboot DataSourceInitializerInvoker of initSchema has concurrent risk

Due to ApplicationEventPublisher.publishEvent was running asynchronous.so the class DataSourceInitializerInvoker's metho...

springboot Update build to run Gradle plugin tests on Java 13

We should revert f3a138d once we use a version of Gradle that works on Java 13, see also gradle/gradle#8681Comment From:...

springboot Reinstate Cassandra smoke tests

Hi,I just noticed that spring-boot-smoke-test-data-cassandra is doing nothing. I traced this back to ca1710ee56d327e46a7...

springboot Unnecessary sendgrid dependency in spring-boot

Forward port of issue #20099 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Unnecessary sendgrid dependency in spring-boot

The core spring-boot module has an optional dependency on sengrid but the module does not use it at all.

springboot Delete useless judgment

1.old codeif (StringUtils.hasText(validationQuery)) { try { // Avoid calling getObject as it breaks MySQL on Java 7 List...

springboot Use CAPS for build args in Dockerfile example

Also provide a default value (for convenience)Comment From: snicollThanks @dsyer. I've updated the example that was stil...

springboot Missing mockito-core declaration in spring-boot-autoconfigure

While spring-boot-autoconfigure uses Mockito, the build does not declare it. Looking at the current dependencies output,...

springboot spring.ftl spring.messageArgs doesn't work properly in freemarker

In messages.properties I have this property:welcome.message=Welcome {0}. {1} {2}and in hello.ftl I try to parse this pro...

springboot Make Kubernetes detection slightly more efficient

Forward port of issue #19002 to 2.3.0.M2.
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