springboot Fix duplicate words

Hi,this PR fixes a couple of duplicate/redundant words in comments.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Explicitly set java home in Maven Plugin integration tests

Hi,I'm regularly switching between JDKs at the moment and noticed that RunIntegrationTests fails if IDEA is setup with J...

springboot Converter and Formatter interfaces cannot be implemented together

Up to Spring Boot 2.1.x it was possible to have a class that implements both org.springframework.core.convert.converter....

springboot Error status code set by handler interceptor overriden with status code 500

Spring Boot 2.2.4Have a controller method with @Produces("application/x-protobuf").Have a handler interceptor that write...

springboot Rest service in Spring Boot that invokes a storage procedure and must return response in JSON

Good afternoon, I am relatively new to spring boot, and I am working with a rest service that receives a telephone numbe...

springboot application.yml with the Chinese start key of Map, start failed!

version:2.2.1.RELEASEI created an application.yml with the configuration:yaml-config: person-map: 张三: 张三Then I creat...

springboot Revisit PluginXmlParserTests

Added tests for the existing behavior of the parse method, including an exception test in the case of a missing plugin.x...

springboot Remove redundant useJUnitPlatform declarations

Hi,this PR removes two usages of useJUnitPlatform that should be redundant as they're applied via the ConventionsPlugin ...

springboot Polish

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@zhangt2333 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synchr...

springboot The program sometimes "has been closed already", sometimes not

spring boot 2.2.3sorry , has been closed already I don't know what triggered it? Because the program is exactly the same...

springboot inner class SharedMetadataReaderFactoryBean method getObject is not instance of getObjectType

inner class SharedMetadataReaderFactoryBean of SharedMetadataReaderFactoryContextInitializer implement interface Factory...

springboot Conditions evaluation report mistakenly prints '@ConditionalOnBean' for negative matches

Forward port of issue #19948 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Conditions evaluation report mistakenly prints '@ConditionalOnBean' for negative matches

Fixes wrong prints of @ConditionalOnBean for negative matches in Conditions Evaluation Report by changing a hardcoded Co...

springboot Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.12.5

Hi,this PR upgrades the testcontainers-java library to version 1.12.5.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Upgrade to spring-javaformat 0.0.20

Forward port of issue #20011 to 2.2.5.

springboot Enhance startup time by not log PID

I found that even if I didn't have any actual code, it would take at least 5 seconds for the program to start. After som...

springboot RedisReactiveHealthIndicator Redis Sentinel using password

Hi,When using Spring boot 2.2.4 with Spring cloud gateway version Hoxton.SR1 with Rate limit filter using Redis Sentinel...

springboot RemoteSpringApplication doesn't seem to work (gradle.kts project)

Hello,Here's the log:2020-02-14 22:51:33.028 INFO 84 --- [ restartedMain] com.my.my.MyApplicationKt : Startin...

springboot Proposed Fix for issue 20135

Default the properties in the constructorFixes #20135Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@ddebree Please sign the Contribut...

springboot Enable configuration properties scanning in java release scripts

Forward port of issue #20174 to 2.3.0.M3.
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