springboot Binding to collection fails with unbound elements error if collection overridden in another property source

Hello,after migrated from Spring Boot 1.5.3.RELEASE to 2.1.3.RELEASE we've encountered a bug(?) with property binding.Th...

springboot JSON keys containing a dot from CF environment are not handled as a single path segment

Forward port of issue #18915 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot No error message when server.ssl.keyAlias doesn't match an entry

Forward port of issue #19202 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot No error message when server.ssl.keyAlias doesn't match an entry

Forward port of issue #19202 to 2.2.5.

springboot No error message when server.ssl.keyAlias doesn't match an entry

If there is an invalid ssl.server.key-alias specified (one that does not exist in the keystore) then the server will not...

springboot MongoPersistentEntityIndexCreator should not warn when auto-index-creation property is set

When starting a fresh Spring Boot 2.2.1 application with Spring Data MongoDB support, then the warning appears, as soon ...

springboot Actuator triggers an early post processor initialization

springboot 2.2.4-RELEASE* pom.xml<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springfram...

springboot Command-Line Arguments broken in 2.2.4? or Am I using it in wrong way?

I have a bootstrap.yml file which has placeholders but it seems when I use springboot 2.2.4 .RELEASE, it does not pick u...

springboot Auto-configured JMS ConnectionFactory should be named jmsConnectionFactory for compatibility with Spring Integration

When using spring integration JMS support and boot default configuration with ActiveMQ there is an error on startup:...C...

springboot Document how to register a blocking health contributor with the reactive registry

Forward port of issue #19707 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Document how to register a blocking health contributor with the reactive registry

Forward port of issue #19707 to 2.2.5.

springboot Document how to register a blocking health contributor with the reactive registry

In order to add my custom health indicator I injected HealthContributorRegistry and then registered my contributor. I d...

springboot Add official Gradle Wrapper Validation GitHub Action

See: https://github.com/gradle/wrapper-validation-actionComment From: snicoll@JLLeitschuh thank you for making your firs...

springboot Upgrade CI to Artifactory Resource 0.0.11

Forward port of issue #19629 to 2.2.5.

springboot Remove redundant jar task configuration

Hi,I just noticed that we have a jar configuration in spring-boot-gradle-plugin that seems redundant given that we apply...

springboot Document spring-boot.run.arguments behaviour with multiple arguments

Forward port of issue #19998 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Conditions evaluation report mistakenly prints '@ConditionalOnBean' for negative matches

Conditions evaluation report wrongly reports @ConditionalOnMissingBean conditions as if it was @ConditionalOnBean condit...

springboot Health group with composite contributor results in 404

Forward port of issue #19974 to 2.3.0.M2.
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