springboot Enable configuration properties scanning in java release scripts

It was disabled as of 2.2.1

springboot Document sanitized keys and uri sanitization behavior

Comment From: snicoll@juzerali thank you for making your first contribution to Spring Boot.Comment From: juzeraliThank y...

springboot Document sanitized keys and uri sanitization behavior

Forward port of issue #20169 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Document automatic sanitisation of URIs in env and configprops endpoints

17939 and #19999 added support for sanitising the password in a URI in the value of properties with certain names. We sh...

springboot Remove duplicate auto-configuration class

Forward port of issue #20168 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Unnecessary use of / in classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml prevents Liquibase from identifying that a change set has already been applied when run from the command line

Forward port of issue #19926 to 2.2.5.Comment From: wilkinsonaRe-opening as we may need to revert this change. See https...

springboot Unnecessary use of / in classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml prevents Liquibase from identifying that a change set has already been applied when run from the command line

Liquibase computes identity of ChangeSet using three field:idauthorfilenameWhere filename is changelog path.When spring-...

springboot fixes #19564 (Jackson requirement in case of HTTP transport)

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@maxim-nazarenko Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually s...

springboot Unnecessary use of / in classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml prevents Liquibase from identifying that a change set has already been applied when run from the command line

Forward port of issue #19926 to 2.3.0.M2.Comment From: MaraxHi, this change actually broke my application. I have to man...

springboot Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.31

Comment From: snicollThe upgrade is leading to 3 test failures:.TomcatWebServerFactoryCustomizerTests#ajpConnectorCanBeC...

springboot Upgrade to MongoDB 4.0.0-beta1

Upgrade to Spring Data MongoDB 3.0 (Neumann). The update requires MongoDB Driver 4.0 (beta1 at this time). Switch from c...

springboot Upgrade to MongoDB 3.12.1

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #19960

springboot Upgrade to Mongo Driver ReactiveStreams 1.13.0

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #19960

springboot Upgrade to Liquibase 3.8.5

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20165

springboot Upgrade to Infinispan 10.1.1.Final

This includes removing modules that were made obsolete (notably infinispan-spring4-*) and adding modules that are new in...

springboot Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.10.Final

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20162

springboot Upgrade to Flyway 6.2.2

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20161

springboot Upgrade to SendGrid 4.4.4

Comment From: snicollThe upgrade broke our build, I've opened #20097 Comment From: snicollAnd https://github.com/sendgri...

springboot Remove redundant dependency management for JNA

We originally added dependency management for JNA's modules to prevent problems with Elasticsearch. That's no longer nec...

springboot Upgrade CI to Docker 19.03.5

Forward port of issue #20157 to 2.3.0.M2.
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