springboot Provide finer-grained control over the automatically generated build info properties

In light of the efforts of #8391 ... builds can be reproducible, however...In Spring Boot 2.0.0.RC1 if you are using:spr...

springboot Polish log4j2 configuration

Tags starting with lowercase characters are inconsistent with others.Comment From: snicoll@mustafau well spotted. Thank ...

springboot org.springframework.boot.loader.jar.JarURLConnection doesnot work under some condition

The springboot support url format like thisjar:file:/xxx/xxx-jar!/yyy-jar!/zzz.xmlBut in my application, my url format i...

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.

springboot Test the Gradle Plugin against Gradle 6.2

Hi,this PR tests the Gradle plugin against Gradle 6.2 as discussed in #20213 .Cheers,Christoph

springboot Sprig boot Custom datasource is using the default configuration of Hikari rather than the properties defined in the property file.

Custom datasource is not using the hikari configuration from the property file and using the default configuration.Confi...

springboot DataSource url property is ignored when there is no connection pool

When there are multiple drivers on the classpath (e.g. h2 and postgres) and no connection pool is present. Then spring.d...

springboot Remove implicit layers support from the layer tools

We discussed this today and have a few concerns:We're duplicating a concept between the loader tools and the layer tools...

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.2

Hi,this PR updates the project to Gradle 6.2 and updates the Gradle Plugin accordingly to test against 6.1.1 in addition...

springboot Add files via upload

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@tulshiram12 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synch...

springboot Include licence files in shipped jars

@mp911de noticed that we don't include license/notice files inside our JARs whereas Spring Framework does. We do have co...

springboot Document missing reference to DataSourceHealthIndicator

Document missing reference to DataSourceHealthIndicator #20214This is a first-timers-only issue #20214Comment From: pivo...

springboot Document missing reference to DataSourceHealthIndicator

Forward port of issue #20216 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Document missing reference to DataSourceHealthIndicator

Hi, this is a first-timers-only issue. This means we've worked to make it more legible to folks who either haven't contr...

springboot Add support for SimpleDriverDataSource

In a PR @nosan proposed, there is some evidence that SimpleDriverDataSource is not supported as it misses an alias for t...

springboot DataSource url property is ignored when there is no connection pool

Forward port of issue #19192 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot DataSource url property is ignored when there is no connection pool

Forward port of issue #19192 to 2.2.5.

springboot Error while using spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc with spring-boot-starter-data-redis

Environment:- kotlin version 1.3.61- spring boot parent 2.2.4.RELEASEIt's work in case when i use only spring-data-jdbc...

springboot Asciidoctor warnings due to javadoc conversion

> Task :spring-boot-project:spring-boot-docs:asciidoctorPdfFailed to parse formatted text: Whether to disable the esc...

springboot elasticsearch7.5 + springboot 2.2.2.release elasticsearchRepository.save date err

elasticsearch version is 7.3 and spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch version is 2.2.2.releasethis is my model @Fie...
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