springboot Added log capturing library to assert logging messages

Context:Spring-boot-test provides a lot of libraries which you could use without direct depending on other libraries. It...

springboot Why response time of the restful interface with @RequestParam MulityPartFile is very large sometimes?

My code below:@PostMapping("/gets") public SomethingResponseVo getSomething(@RequestParam MultipartFile ima...

springboot Explicitly set java home in CommandLineInvoker

Hi,similar to #20193 I found that JarCommandIT.jarCreationWithGrabResolver() fails if the java version in the console is...

springboot Enhancements for new LAYERED_JAR layout in spring-boot-maven-plugin

I've read the blog post regarding the new Docker-related features in the upcoming Spring Boot 2.3 Maven plugin. They are...

springboot Revisit PluginXmlParserTests

PluginXmlParserTests is incomplete and should probably be reviewed.Comment From: izeyeThis seems to be resolved via #201...

springboot Remove ProducesRequestCondition cache clear task from Actuator

Forward port of issue #20292 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Remove ProducesRequestCondition cache clear task from Actuator

This issue is about removing changes introduced in #20150, since /spring-projects/spring-framework#24466 moved that code...

springboot Add actuator specific ObjectMapper

When using a custom object mapper with MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS disabled the detailed information for Health en...

springboot Problems using new maven "build-image" goal in corporate environment with private docker registry; in docker toolbox is also problematic to run it (2.3.0.M2)

First (and more important)When I run "build-image" goal in windows with Docker Toolbox,, I'm getting this error in log:[...

springboot @Transactional is invalid; transaction has no effect;

spring boot 2.0.7It seems that aop is not working, but no error can be seen in the method;this is project https://gitee....

springboot Failed to load resource when behind Kubernetes Ingress / Reverse Proxy path

I'm using Spring Boot Admin 2.1.3 with Spring Boot 2.1.3.RELEASEI've deployed Spring Boot Admin into a Kubernetes cluste...

springboot Consider flipping the default for management.add-application-context-header to false

As this header exposes some internal information like application name, port number and active profiles it should be ena...

springboot Metrics are not recorded for nested requests made with RestTemplate

We need to back port the fix for #19464 to 2.2.x.

springboot TestNG smoke test doesn't test anything

The test class and its method are package-private which means that no tests are run. They cannot be made public until ht...

springboot When NettyDriverMongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer is called multiple times, only the last EventLoopGroup that it creates is closed on shutdown

Hi,In spring boot I create two MongoDB reactive clients:List<MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer> customizerList;...

springboot Repository query is failing to filter documents on DBRef fields after spring boot upgrade.

Upgrading form spring boot version 2.1 to 2.2 and mongodb from 4.0.16 to 4.2.3 the query below is not working as it was ...

springboot MongoDB URI property doesn't interact well with Spring Cloud Vault

When using Spring Cloud Vault to generate credentials for a MongoDB instance, it's impossible to use the spring.data.mon...

springboot FieldValuesParser implementation for the eclipse compiler

When running the build with the eclipse compiler, the default values cannot be harvested and written in the meta-data be...

springboot ResolutionException when running Spring Boot as Java module

ProblemI get a ResolutionException on startup when I create a Spring boot application with Spring Initializr with both s...

springboot The configuration under the server in springboot can set cookie parameters, but it is two cookies after integrating jdbc storage

Comment From: snicoll@jidianzhixia if you're asking a question, we've already indicated the issue tracker is not the rig...
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