springboot Add Kafka security.protocol key to SpringBoot autoconfig

Having some Kafka properties defined in SpringBoot autoconfig vs some Kafka properties having to be set in a separate "p...

springboot Include version and edition of neo4j database in health details

Actually heath indicator details for Neo4j returns the number of nodes witch makes one database hit neo4j: { status:...

springboot Use ServerHttpResponse.getRawStatusCode() in WebFluxTags

Forward port of issue #19987 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Test the Gradle Plugin against Gradle 6.2.2

Hi,this PR tests the Gradle Plugin against 6.2.2 in the 2.2.x mainline.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.2.2

Hi,this PR updates to Gradle 6.2.2.Cheers,Christoph

springboot ConnectionPool metrics are not exposed with r2dbc:pool: based URLs

See https://github.com/spring-projects-experimental/spring-boot-r2dbc/issues/80 for a description of the problem.It look...

springboot For Jetty allow access to SslContextFactory in SslServerCustomizer

JettyServletWebserverFactory sets up SSL connector by creating an SslServerCustomizer. This customizer's 'customize' met...

springboot Use isEmpty() where possible

Hi,this PR polishes cases where isEmpty() could be used in favor of doing size()/length() == 0 checks.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Remove unused parameter in AsciidoctorConventions

Hi,this PR removes an unused parameter in AsciidoctorConventions.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Add auto-configuration for Spring Integration RSocket support

Fixes https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/18812To reuse RSocket server auto-configuration in Spring In...

springboot Bug in Tomcat HTTP2 POST - with big payload

I found a probably bug with http2 handling in spring-boot-starter-tomcat.When I sending HTTP2 POST request with big payl...

springboot Spring Boot 2.2.5 does not run bean validation for null fields

I believe there is a regression between Spring Boot 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 in handling bean validation.I have a small project r...

springboot pid_file file is created with root user ownership even if RUN_AS_USER provided

pid_file is created using checkPermissions() in launch.script file.# Utility functionscheckPermissions() { touch "...

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200219

Hi,this PR fixes #20357 Cheers,ChristophComment From: mbhaveThanks @dreis2211.

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200219

Forward port of issue #20361 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200219

Forward port of issue #20361 to 2.2.6.

springboot Upgrade Ubuntu version in CI images

Upgrade to ubuntu:bionic-20200219Comment From: mbhaveClosing in favor of PR #20361.

springboot spring-boot-starter-tomcat contains vulnerability CVE-2019-17563

Frontier version of spring-boot-starter-tomcat is currently 2.2.5. This version contains a dependency of apache tomca...

springboot Add --logging.pattern.dateformat to only change that part of the logging pattern

Currently, when we need to change the date-part of the logging pattern, we need to copy the pattern from defaults.xml an...
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