springboot Credentials of cloudfoundry service cannot be resolved after upgrading to 2.2.5

Forward port of issue #20343 to 2.2.6.

springboot Remove hardcoded version from VersionOverridingElasticsearchContainer

Hi,this PR fixes #20424 by using org.elasticsearch.Version instead of hardcoding the version.Cheers,ChristophComment Fro...

springboot Revisit VersionOverridingElasticsearchContainer

It overrides the version of ES we should use and the version hardcoded there can easily be out-of-sync with what our dep...

springboot Mocking session scoped spy bean calls real method

Trying to mock a @SessionScope in a test by autowiring it using @SpyBean and then mocking using doReturn(..).when(sessi...

springboot Minimize amount of superflous validation error details

Consider a simple RestController that requires a @Valid object as show in the example below.@RestControllerpublic class ...

springboot It has some error.Please ignore this pull request.

Fix bug TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory does not call getTomcatWebServer to create the TomcatWebServer #20386.modify Tomc...

springboot Polish

PolishComment From: snicollThanks for the follow-up.

springboot Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.6.1

Hi,the current builds seem to fail, probably because of an upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.6.1 in https://github.com/spring-p...

springboot Upgrade CI to Docker 19.03.7

Forward port of issue #20420 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Upgrade CI to Docker 19.03.7

Forward port of issue #20420 to 2.2.6.

springboot Fix some tests that fail with JDK 14

Hi,this PR fixes two tests that break when running with JDK 14 as discussed in #20147 .There are obviously more build fa...

springboot Investigate "Failed to create volume" CI issues

Hi,since yesterday the amount of "failed to create volume" errors seems to be on a level that "forces" me into this issu...

springboot Allow @DefaultValue to be used in fields

Currently, @DefaultValue is limited to constructor arguments.This prevents auto generating constructor with lombok.If @D...

springboot Upgrade to Httpclient 4.5.11

Comment From: juliojgdWith this upgrade this issue is reproducing again, broking SSL connections on some (frequent) case...

springboot Spring Boot 2.2.5.RELEASE with hibernate-core>=5.4.1.Final causing JpaObjectRetrievalFailureException

I'm not quite sure if this is Spring or Hibernate issue. I'm trying to upgrade Spring Boot dependency to 2.2.5.RELEASE (...

springboot Unpacked War won't start with tomcat on JVM classpath

An unpacked war won't start when there is an embedded tomcat on the JVM classpath.An MVCE can be found here: https://git...

springboot Polish

PolishComment From: snicoll@wycm well spotted, thank you.

springboot Flyway version not aligned with H2

In the 2.2.x pom the version of Flyway is 6.0.8, while H2 is 1.4.200.Flyway explicitly support H2 1.4.200 only from vers...

springboot 404 response from /actuator/env/{toMatch} should have no body

Hi,I justed stumbled upon a strange behaviour of the /actuator/env/{toMatch} endpoint, e.g. /actuator/env/activeProfiles...
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