springboot Add support for Diagnostic MBean in actuator

Hi,Currently at work I have created a simple endpoint for exposing Diagnostic MBean from actuator, so I decided to contr...

springboot JSON keys containing a dot from CF environment are not handled as a single path segment

This PR changes the handling of JSON keys in the CloudFoundry VCAP_SERVICES environment variable so that they represent ...

springboot Password Generated When Using Resource Server

A default password is generated by Boot in a WebFlux application when a Resource Server is being used.Create a resource ...

springboot An AuthenticationManager is required. Oauth2ResourceServer + anonymous disable

Hello, i caught strange behavior, when did disable anonymous() in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter with oauth2ResourceServer...

springboot null pointer Exception

Comment From: wilkinsonaGiven the lack of description, I assume that this was opened in error.

springboot Fix some deprecations

Forward port of issue #20388 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Fix some deprecations

Hi,this PR fixes some deprecations in tests.Cheers,Christoph

springboot OpenAPI support for the spring web framework

Dear Spring-Team,I love using Spring and I have recently started a new project where I want to use spring-data-rest with...

springboot Add option to trim values in application.properties

We had an issue during automatic delivery through another platform where we found that some properties were modified and...

springboot proxyTransactionManagement

Bean 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.t...

springboot Add branch information to build scans on Windows

Hi,I just noticed that the build scans for Windows builds seem to be missing the branch tag. E.g. https://ge.spring.io/s...

springboot Refine if statement logic

existing == null is unnecessary hereComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@gir1yaphets Please sign the Contributor License Ag...

springboot Polish DataSourceHealthIndicator

This PR polishes DataSourceHealthIndicator by:Removing a workaround as it seems to be outdated based on its comment.Remo...

springboot 2.2.x

Add maxInMemorySize property for ReactiveRestClientAutoConfiguration.Add username and password in ClientConfiguration wh...

springboot Add maxInMemorySize property for ReactiveRestClientAutoConfiguration …

…and add username and password in ClientConfiguration when username or password is not nullComment From: pivotal-issuema...

springboot A property referenced by another property within a YAML file doesn't get overridden properly

Using Spring Boot 1.5.2, I have something like this in my application.yml file, in the root of the classpath of my Sprin...

springboot configprops endpoint cannot display a ConfigurationProperties bean that is a List

Using spring-boot-actuator version 2.1.7.RELEASE the following problem is observed:The application uses a yaml configura...

springboot Allow a snapshot of the classpath to be used to restrict the entries that affect auto-configuration

Our Spring Boot application allows to be extended by users who add their own jars (and dependencies) to the classpath. I...

springboot Embedded directory server should be usable without spring-ldap-core

BackgroundWe are using EmbeddedLdapAutoConfiguration to spin up an InMemoryDirectoryServer for integration testing purpo...

springboot Use ServerHttpResponse.getRawStatusCode() in WebFluxTags

This PR changes to use ServerHttpResponse.getRawStatusCode() in WebFluxTags.This PR also changes Spring Framework versio...
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