springboot Document the properties used by spring-boot-dependencies to control dependency versions

We have an appendix that documents groupId, artifactId, and version for all of the dependencies managed by spring-boot-d...

springboot Fix typo in configuration metadata appendix

Fix non-existing documented type java.util.StringComment From: snicoll@natrem good catch and thank you for making your f...

springboot Upgrade to spring-javaformat 0.0.20

Comment From: snicollClosed by c8a5106c

springboot BuildInfo task not run in Gradle project when project's version number changes

If I disable the time property, the Gradle BuildInfo task indicates that it is up to date even when the project version ...

springboot Investigate walkmod

Not everyone uses eclipse and this might allow us to apply formatting conventionsComment From: snicoll@philwebb isn't th...

springboot Upgrade to Flyway 6.2 and support new validate migration naming property

This PR adds support for property flyway.validateMigrationNaming, which is added in Flyway v6.2.0 for validating naming ...

springboot Can't start a reactive app with JWT

I'm trying to setup a minimal reactive boot app secured with JWT (provided by Keycloak, but not using their resource-ser...

springboot Cache management port in EndpointRequestMatcher

We get the management port on every request which can add to request time especially if there are a large number of prop...

springboot Cache management port in EndpointRequestMatcher

Forward port of issue #20329 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Unlike all other Maven properties, spring-boot.run.arguments on the command line takes precedence over the pom

Forward port of issue #20024 to 2.3.0.M3.Comment From: wilkinsonaRe-opening so that we can investigate the test failures...

springboot Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.2.8

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20330

springboot Upgrade to Spring Data Moore-SR5

Comment From: mp911deSpring Data dependencies:org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-reactivestreams -> 1.12.0org.mongodb:mongodb...

springboot Upgrade to Micrometer 1.3.3

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20271

springboot Upgrade to Liquibase 3.8.6

Comment From: snicollSuperseded by #20328

springboot Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.3.6.RELEASE

Comment From: mikesmithsonDoes this make sense since #20107 already upgraded Kafka to 2.4.2.RELEASE?Comment From: wilkin...

springboot Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.5.RELEASE

Comment From: wilkinsonaIt looks like there's a 2.2.5 coming before our 2.2.5 release.

springboot Try to improve CI time

Comment From: dreis2211The move to Gradle drastically improved the build times imho. I wonder if this can be closed. Wha...

springboot Spring boot view resolver issue with thymeleaf

Spring boot app is deployed on websphere The application is not able to resolve the html page from templates fo...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Data Lovelace-SR16

Comment From: mp911deSpring Data dependencies:org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-reactivestreams -> 1.9.2org.mongodb:mongodb-...
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