springboot Rejected value is null when configuration property fails validation

After changing from Spring Boot 2.1.9 to Spring Boot 2.2.2, the error messages about constraint validation for some of o...

springboot VCAP Variables with special characters are wrapped and break ConfigurationProperties with 2.2.5.RELEASE

We just upgraded our project from Spring Boot 2.1.7.RELEASE to 2.2.5.RELEASE. Since we're using Cloud Foundry, we create...

springboot Spring JDBC bug for Snowflake

When using SimpleJdbcInsert with Snowflake, it appears Spring JDBC is closing the underlying ResultSet when interrogatin...

springboot Add descriptions for data source pool metrics

This PR adds descriptions for data source pool metrics.Closes gh-20208Comment From: snicollSweet, thanks again @izeye!

springboot Automate Ubuntu base image upgrade

Forward port of issue #20355 to 2.3.0.M3.

springboot Automate Ubuntu base image upgrade

Forward port of issue #20355 to 2.2.6.

springboot Automate Ubuntu base image upgrade

Hi,this PR is an attempt to fix #15165 by using a similar approach that was used for JDK updates. As this is almost impo...

springboot Automate Ubuntu base image upgrade

It would be useful if we could detect new Ubuntu releases and update the CI pipeline automaticallyComment From: snicollC...

springboot Add description for datasource metrics

The DataSource metrics the actuator exposes do not have descriptions. Comment From: snicollClosing in favor of PR #20354

springboot ConfigurationProperties list Attribute is missing

When I have two remote profilesmy version is 2.1.2application.yaml:```spring: cloud: gateway: routes: - ...

springboot Remove unnecessary lines

I think there are unnecessary lines.Thank you!Comment From: snicollThanks for the PR. Those aren't empty lines, there is...

springboot Provide a URI tag for HTTP requests handled by MessageDispatcherServlet

Trying to use http_server_requests actuator metrics (Spring Boot 2.1.1) for web-method annotated by @PayloadRoot(namespa...

springboot Can't override application config with spring.config.location or spring.config.name

Hi,I have a Spring Boot application (running spring-boot-starter 1.1.6.RELEASE) with an external application.yml configu...

springboot MockMvc doesn't return response content in case of 4xx status codes

When I test a service that responds with a 4xx status code (e.g. validation error), then MockHttpServletResponse will co...

springboot Polish tests

This PR polishes some tests a bit.

springboot JPA Issue with @Lock + @EntityGraph + @ElementCollection

I am getting a NullPointerException when using Spring Data with: @Lock + @EntityGraph + @ElementCollectionHave a look to...

springboot Improve error message when creating an image with no Docker Daemon available

when creating an image with no Docker Daemon available. Translating IOException to DockerException for a more meaningful...

springboot Improve error message when creating an image with no Docker Daemon available

If the docker daemon isn't running locally, we get the following exception at the moment:[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-pl...

springboot Remove redundant code

Hi,I just noticed a few lines of unused code in SessionsEndpointDocumentationTests that can be removed.Cheers,ChristophC...

springboot Remove redundant code

Forward port of issue #20339 to 2.3.0.M3.
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