SpringBoot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.Comment From: snicoll@wilkinsona Ouch, sorry about that. Let me revi...

SpringBoot Importing config files across modules

I have two modules in the same project, one by another:A|-- application.yaml|-- application-dev.yamlB|-- base-applicatio...

SpringBoot refactoring code

I found that some codes can be refactoring with stream,so I submit a PR.Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@saveunhappy P...

SpringBoot Add auto-configuration for micrometer-zabbix

Add support for the configuration of micrometer-zabbix.This can be merged after https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/mi...

SpringBoot EnvironmentEndpoint could be configured to exclude specified property sources

Hey folks,We have a use case where we would like to exclude a property source containing decrypted secrets from the Envi...

SpringBoot Issue with not being able to use 'spring.mvc.servlet.path=/*' anymore

It seems the propertyserver.servlet-path in Spring Boot 1.5 has then been changed to server.servlet.path in Spring Boot ...

SpringBoot Make relative file references in checkstyle.xml more robust

It appears that the checkstyleNohttp task doesn't run with a consistent working directory. As a result, the relative fil...

SpringBoot 2.5.0-RC1 JWSAlgorithm are in unnamed module of loader 'app'

Thanks for 2.5.0-RC1!Tried upgrading from 2.4.2 we get the error below, which is the result of a binary incompatibility ...

SpringBoot Use new update site for Spring Java Format's Eclipse plugin

SSIAComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@k163377 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synch...

SpringBoot Fix broken assertions in tests

This PR fixes broken assertions in tests.This PR also restores the HTTP response body assertion that seems to have been ...

SpringBoot Include spring.profiles.group in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json

Comment From: snicollThere's no reference to spring.profiles.group anywhere in the reference documentation and the prope...

SpringBoot DynamicPropertySource is getting initialized way too late in the startup for 'config.import'

I have ConfigData implementation for a custom KV storage: Loader, LocationResolver, Resource. They are specified in spri...

SpringBoot ConfigDataLocationResolvers.ConfigDataLocationResolvers(..., ResourceLoader resourceLoader) does not use a resourceLoader to load factory names

org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigDataLocationResolvers.ConfigDataLocationResolvers( DeferredLogFactory l...

SpringBoot ERROR if org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.logging log level is DEBUG (spring-boot-starter-log4j2 + ConsoleJSONAppender)

spring-boot-starter-log4j2 using log4j'sConsoleJSONAppender can cause following error if org.springframework.boot.autoco...

SpringBoot no such method org.jboss.logging.Logger.debugf

So I have no idea whenever this started as my project seemed to work perfectly last week and this week throws this error...

SpringBoot Enhance multiple entity manager factories online documentation

… gh-14642Comment From: snicoll@nicce thank you very much for the PR but I am afraid we can't merge this as is for sever...

SpringBoot Auto-configure micrometer DiskSpaceMetrics

AFAICT we don't currently configure DiskSpaceMetrics.Comment From: izeyeFor your information, there was a PR against the...

SpringBoot @Scheduled method not triggered when spring.main.lazy-initialization=true

Spring Boot Version: 2.4.2Spring Framework Version: 5.3.3@EnableSchedulingCreate a @Component with a @Scheduled methodAd...

SpringBoot Polish

This PR polishes trivial stuff.

SpringBoot Replacements for spring.datasource.schema and spring.datasource.data are documented incorrectly

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