springboot Document RedisCacheManagerBuilderCustomizer

See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/15960#issuecomment-576204233Comment From: snicollClosing in fa...

springboot logging file name

Hello.please help with the file name.The time format does not work well.I expected to see 1 file named "2020-02-07 10_38...

springboot Spring Boot configuration metadata and properties migrator modules no longer deployed to repository

Hi,this PR is an attempt to fix #20050 which causes the specific modules not to be deployed.Let me know what you think.C...

springboot Upgrade image builder version

Upgrade the version of the CNB builder image to the latest version, supporting lifecycle version 0.6 and platform versio...

springboot Update buildpack support for lifecycle v6

The current code does not yet support v6. We need to port this PR from Go to Java.

springboot Fix typo

This PR fixes typos in doc.

springboot Spring Boot configuration metadata no longer deployed to repository

The spring-boot-configuration-metadata module is no longer deployed to the repository. This looks like a regression intr...

springboot Set includeantruntime in Ant smoke tests

Hi,this PR is an attempt to get rid of a warning inside spring-boot-smoke-test-ant:compile: [javac] /path/to/spring-b...

springboot Remove superfluous useJUnit()

Hi,as @sbrannen pointed out, the useJUnit() isn't really needed.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Spring boot Profiles Active Websphere

Spring Boot version: 2.1.8.RELEASEWhen developing a spring boot application. Most of times we just put it on the given p...

springboot Execution failed for task 'bootJar'

Gradle 5.6.4This happens only for parallel build and it's quite difficult to get these outputs because of the race condi...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Security 5.3.0.RC1

Comment From: wilkinsonaThis one requires some further investigation. Updating the version number and building resulted ...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Asciidoctor Extensions 0.4.0.RELEASE

Forward port of issue #20041 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Upgrade to Spring Asciidoctor Extensions 0.4.0.RELEASE

Forward port of issue #20041 to 2.2.5.

springboot Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.26.v20200117

The current version 9.4.25.v20191220 in 2.2.4 has the following bug: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/446...

springboot Gradle plugin: dependencies with duplicated artifact name

I am not sure whether this is a bug, but I noticed an inconsistency between the output of the bootJar task in gradle and...

springboot Skip lazy initialization of beans that explicitly set the lazy attribute to false

Hi,The suspected issue described below is related to the version 2.2.0.M1 of Spring Boot.It appears that the management ...

springboot Document new Docker-related features

Comment From: wilkinsonaWe need to describe:layered jarsjar mode and layertools and using them in a Dockerfilebuildpack ...

springboot spring boot cli - rabbit.groovy fails with error

When attempting to run rabbit.groovy with spring cli, it fails with this error$ spring run rabbit.groovystartup failed:f...

springboot Reinstate running of OutputCaptureRuleTests

Hi,I just noticed that OutputCaptureRuleTests were not running due to the fact that they need to be run with JUnit4. Thi...
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