springboot actuator endpoint /actuator/logfile empty when using Spring Cloud Config

Hi all,First, thank you for your great job, I've been a Spring user for 12 years and Spring Boot user for 5 and this is ...

springboot How to log out okta session using spring secuirty

I have tried so many directions to clear the okta session but it didn't .could you please suggest me how we can do that....

springboot Add command line option for OCI image name

When deploying to Kubernetes (for example) at dev time, it is useful to be able to modify the image name on the command ...

springboot Fix #16998 - improve logic for setting server.port to -1 only for web…

Fix #16998 - to set server.port to -1 only for web application and who doesn't have custom server port.I have the same ...

springboot Make use of new accessor method in Tomcat for getting in-progress async count

We're using reflection at the moment. Once we've upgraded to a version of Tomcat where this commit is available, we shou...

springboot LogbackConfigurationTests defaultRollingFileNamePattern() is flaky

When it fails, the failure looks like this:Expecting: <"/tmp/junit4663653809537956870/test.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i...

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.3

Hi,this PR upgrades to the just released Gradle 6.3.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Issue when migrating rest app to spring boot app.

I was trying to migrate restfull application to spring boot application. When ever tried to run my application after doi...

springboot use the applications rest template for the autoconfigured jwks receiver

If an application has a configured rest template (e.g. with a proxy configuration) the JwtDecoder auto configuration sho...

springboot Automate Docker updates in CI

Hi,as discussed in #20420 this is an attempt to automate Docker upgrades for the CI environment. I say attempt, because ...

springboot Upgrade Docker version in CI

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@spring-buildmaster Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manuall...

springboot Raise the minimum supported version of Gradle 6.x to 6.3

After upgrading from Spring Boot 2.2.5 to 2.3.0.M3 I found javax.persistence-api on the classpath, together with jakarta...

springboot Automate Docker updates in CI

Forward port of issue #20530 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot Automate Docker updates in CI

Forward port of issue #20530 to 2.2.7.

springboot #20144 - Gradle Flaky Test Mitigation Plugin

added configuration for Gradle Test-Retry plugin to ConventionsPlugin.Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for your efforts he...

springboot Allow CloudPlatform to be set using a property

We would like to allow the user to specify a cloud platform for the case where we can't accurately detect it (see #20620...

springboot Integrate Gradle's flaky test mitigation into our build

We have some tests in our build that are flaky. We should consider making use of Gradle's flaky test mitigation to help ...

springboot Upgrade to Spring Session Dragonfruit-RC2

Comment From: wilkinsonaThis is blocked as the 2.3.0.RC1 release of Spring Session's MongoDB module is missing its pom f...

springboot Elasticsearch app doesn't start with 2.2.6

JDK 11.0.6Spring Boot 2.2.6Started getting the exception below. Worked fine in 12:30:51.549 WARN 58892...

springboot Add warning about spring.config.additional-location

It is unclear from the documentation that the spring.config.location and spring.config.additional-location properties ar...
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