springboot Unresolvable placeholder in the value of spring.datasource.url causes a startup failure even when there is a user-provided DataSource bean

I have an application.yml config file in a Spring Boot 2.2.4 app with the following entry:spring.datasource.url: ${DATA_...

springboot Fix checkstyle violation in WebFluxProperties

Hi,cbe83f8db5920b80435684a07342b0616f41eaa0 introduced a tiny checkstyle violation that this PR fixes.Cheers,ChristophCo...

springboot Spring Boot 2.2 Tomcat 8.5.53 compatibility

ContextWe have some applications that would like to move to Spring Boot 2.2 but their clients depend on some of the feat...

springboot Error converting Timestamp to OffsetDateTime

Springboot 2.2.4.RELEASESpringframework: 5.2.3.RELEASEPostgresJDBC: 42.2.11This is causing the issuejc.setDate((OffsetDa...

springboot Migrate off deprecated Spring Data Cassandra API

Configure UserTypeResolver and CodecRegistry on MappingCassandraConverter. Configure on CassandraMappingContext only the...

springboot Version layers-configuration XSD

The current XSD has no version attached to it. We should provide a "feature" release version variant with a versionless ...

springboot Investigate splitting configuration and auto-configuration

Currently spring-boot-autoconfigure contains quite a bit of code that would also be useful if manually configuring and a...

springboot Provide dependency management for Jakarta Xml Soap

Forward port of #20659

springboot Add extra detail for Kubernetes probes in reference documentation

Provides a few more concrete details about how probes and Kubernetesbehave, so users can make more informed decisions.

springboot Gradle layered JARs option doesn't work in 2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

Gradle layered JARs option doesn't work in 2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. It was layered() in 2.3.0.M3, but it seems to be change...

springboot Remove requirement for Spring MVC to be on the classpath for hypermedia-based autoconfig

Spring HATEOAS now supports both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux.Test cases that prove HypermediaAutoConfiguration properl...

springboot Provide dependency management for Jakarta Xml Soap

An upgrade to Jakarta Xml Ws (#20643) leads to a dependency convergence problem for Jakarta Xml Soap. Adding dependency ...

springboot Fix typos in HealthEndpointGroupConfigurer

Hi,I just noticed a couple of typos in HealthEndpointGroupConfigurer.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Spring Boot Documentation Duplications

I'm reading the whole spring boot documentation at the moment and I think this paragraph isn't needed because it's expla...

springboot Upgrade to HttpClient 4.5.12

Comment From: fmartinouHi,When is planned the Spring Boot 2.3 RELEASE?Because the current HttpClient version (4.5.11) is...

springboot Fix typos in packaging docs

Hi,7444306d0b2dfe89fe4f33ea197e0c670aba81d4 introduced a couple of typos. While fixing them I noticed that the docs were...

springboot At Version 2.1.12, com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

I am using Spring Boot 2.1.10 Greenwich SR4. When I migrate to 2.1.12 and Greenwich SR5 MySQL connection fails with this...

springboot Rename "classes" concept to "application" in custom layer configuration

As a follow-up of #20526 I feel that renaming the XML element from classes to application would be consistent. This sect...
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