springboot Move Maven-specific content in reference guide to dedicated documentation

Now that we have dedicated documentation for our Maven Plugin we should move everything related to Maven there rather th...

springboot Resource Server autoconfiguration to support both JWT and Opaque tokens

Support auto-configuration of an OAuth2 Resource Server that supports both JWTs and Opaque Tokens.We have a use case whe...

springboot Update StringSequence

Additional check of the "source" parameter. Based on the problem reported by SpotBugs 4.0.1. After adding a fix, any wro...

springboot Consistently separate properties that require Spring Data and properties that do not

CassandraProperties is currently mapped to spring.data.cassandra. There isn't any property that is Spring Data specific ...

springboot Investigate fat jar unpack options

There's always going to be a certain overhead with our fat jar format so we should investigate what works best in terms ...

springboot Docker layered jar Exception SpringContextShutdownHook NoSuchMethodError getInProgressAsyncCount

When using 2.3.0.M4using the layered jar option<layers> <enabled>true</enabled></layers>everyt...

springboot Tolerate breaking change to IsolationLevel in kafka-clients 2.5

KafkaProperties currently has /** * Isolation level for reading messages that have been written transactionally. ...

springboot Link to the Maven Plugin's documentation is broken

https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.3.0.M4/reference/htmlsingle/#build-tool-plugins-maven-plugin links to https://...

springboot Incompatible versions of spring-webmvc and spring-web in 2.2.6.RELEASE

When upgrading to Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE, the spring-boot-starter-security jar brings in org.springframework:spring-w...

springboot spring boot redis password in spring-config issuse

in source file I set spring.redis.password in application.yml.I deploy to the product environment.Load the spring-config...

springboot Improve handling of host, port, and addresses configuration in RabbitProperties

18808 will add support for amqps:// support but we have isEnabled and getPort methods that change depending on the addr...

springboot @ConstructorBinding example in the reference documentation uses the wrong import for @DefaultValue

Affects: Spring Boot 2.2.5The externalized configuration constructor binding example code snippet shows an incorrect imp...

springboot spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.jws-algorithm is ignored when auto-configuring ReactiveJwtDecoder

Problem:spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.jws-algorithm configuration property is ignored in autoconfiguration o...

springboot Cassandra health indicator never reports version attribute

See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/20709#issuecomment-605461762Comment From: adutra@snicoll I'm hav...

springboot Cassandra health indicator never reports version attribute

Forward port of issue #20719 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot @DataR2dbcTest should trigger Flyway or Liquibase if necessary

Since we offer a way to initialize the database with R2DBC with a regular DataSource created on-the-fly, @DataR2dbcTest ...

springboot Support layering with the existing flat jar format

See #20529 for details.

springboot Provide an option when using layer tools' extract to flatten the extracted content

extract currently writes the content into a directory structure the closely resembles the structure of the entries in th...
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