springboot Clarify the type to which connection-pool-specific spring.datasource properties are bound

For issue: #20688, Minor change to description of Hikari Datasource properties in documentationFixes gh-20688Comment Fro...

springboot Clarify the type to which connection-pool-specific spring.datasource properties are bound

Forward port of issue #20727 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot Remove requirement for the disk space health indicator's path to exist when the app starts

ProblemWhen the path referenced by management.health.diskspace.path does not exist before a Spring Boot application with...

springboot Liquibase should be able to execute with only spring-jdbc on the classpath

Spring Boot version: 2.3.0.M3I have created a small project to test r2dbc work with spring boot:https://github.com/xp-v...

springboot Polish GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration

Forward port of issue #20708 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot Polish GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration

Hi,I just found an unused parameter in the GroovyMarkupConfiguration constructor that this PR removes + some doc polish...

springboot Use @DynamicPropertySource for Neo4J and Redis data tests

Hi,the new @DynamicPropertySource simplifies some tests a bit. I don't claim to have looked at every test in the project...

springboot Use @DynamicPropertySource for Neo4J and Redis data tests

Forward port of issue #20676 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot @JsonValue cannot be placed on property

@Data@Accessors(chain = true)public class BookPowerEntity { private BookAggregateRootStatusEnum bookAggregateRootStat...

springboot Expose version infos in actuator prometheus endpoint

Actuator endpoints incldue one for getting application status (/actuator/info) and another to get applicative metrics (/...

springboot jib build container doesn't start with 2.2.6

using jib when building with 2.2.6 the container won't come up without any error the java process just jumps the gun and...

springboot Upgrade log4j version in spring-boot-starter-log4j2

The current version of log4j (as of 2.2.6) is 2.12.1.We would need to bump it to 2.13.1 regarding this issue: https://is...

springboot o.s.b.diagnostics.FailureAnalyzers - Failed to load org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.HikariDriverConfigurationFailureAnalyzer

Attach here the trace log for this.Simple spring boot application that does nothing for now failed due to jdbc connectio...

springboot Developers in China need to do this

Developers in China need to replace the central warehouse withmaven{ url 'http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/p...

springboot Enable Reactor Scheduler Metrics By Default

Project reactor provides an api to expose metrics from it's internal schedulers. These metrics are very useful and I can...

springboot Use DOCKER_ env vars to locate the Docker daemon when building OCI images

I'm running Docker from minikube (and also tried a remote docker machine).The docker daemon endpoint and cert are config...

springboot Clarify that spring.datasource.hikari.* properties are bound to a HikariDataSource instance

The documentation lists all of the third-party properties that can be bound, but simply described them as being "Hikari ...

springboot Add a property for MongoDB replica set name

MongoDB 4 provides transactions, but requires replica sets. Therefore, the clearly arranged properties database, host, u...

springboot Cassandra health indicator never report version attribute

Forward port of issue #20719 to 2.2.7.

springboot JsonParserFactory Should Look For JSON-P First

There is the class JsonParserFactory which tries to find a Json parser on the classpath. I think the first parser that i...
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