springboot Spring Boot 2.2.0: ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider findCandidateComponents method

After upgrading to version 2.2.0 the method findCandidateComponents of class ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider...

springboot Requests are auto-timed when autotime.enabled is set to false

BackgroundAccording to this doc, it says Alternatively, when set to false, you can enable instrumentation by adding @Tim...

springboot Requests are auto-timed when autotime.enabled is set to false

Forward port of issue #19981 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Spring Webflux ignores message of custom exception when annotated with @ResponseStatus

see gh-19846Comment From: snicollThanks again @nosan

springboot Spring Boot 2 MongoDB @TypeAlias does not work

Hi,In SpringBoot 1 TypeAlias("name") does work as expected but if I migrate to SpringBoot 2 it doesn't instantiate the c...

springboot Spring Webflux ignores message of custom exception when annotated with @ResponseStatus

Forward port of issue #19901 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Right value of LocalDate isn't saved to data base when JST Server and uses JDBC

When system running JVM uses JST (or perhaps happen in not UTC system), LocalDate column is not saved right value to dat...

springboot OAuth2 request parameter binding not available in @WebMvcTest

Here's a @Controller mapping, like one in the Spring Security samples:@Controllerclass OAuth2LoginController { @GetMa...

springboot Add support for wildcard locations for properties and YAML files

Comment From: spencergibbI assume reading from the filesystem not using k8s api, correct?Comment From: scottfrederickI a...

springboot RabbitProperties addresses field is not sanitized by default and may contain sensitive information

Problem:The actuator configprops and env endpoints show RabbitProperties#addresses in un-sanitized form. Workaround:Thes...

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200112

Forward port of issue #19913 to 2.2.5.

springboot Creating kotlin channel bean cause spring boot tests to fail

Spring boot version:"2.2.4.RELEASE"kotlinCoroutineVersion = "1.3.3"The following config results in a kotlin reflection e...

springboot Polish

This PR polishes a bit by removing String literal concatenation where possible.

springboot Polish buildSrc

Hi,this is a little polishing PR for buildSrc.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollThanks again!

springboot Upgrade to Ivy 2.5.0

Hi,this PR upgrades Ivy to 2.5.0. That should get rid of the warnings in the JDK11 & JDK13 builds:WARNING: An illega...

springboot Fix link to Spring Integration Graph documentation

Hi,this PR fixes another tiny link problem in the docs.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollThanks @dreis2211. The chang...

springboot Fix link to Spring Integration Graph documentation

Backport of #19992 with Maven

springboot @ConfigurationProperties on a @Value works in @SpringBootTest and fails at runtime

Given a spring-boot project with spring-actuatorGiven @SpringBootTest using @ConfigurationProperties(prefix) to remap a ...

springboot Microservice by default compressing in gzip format

Problem Statement: Microservice is by default compressing in gzip format in response when Accept-Encoding is not sent in...
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