springboot spring-kafka state store health indicator

I accidentally opened an issue at spring-kafka project: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/issues/1421In sh...

springboot Fix WebappLoader constructor deprecations

Forward port of issue #20832 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Fix WebappLoader constructor deprecations

Hi,I just noticed two deprecation warnings coming from WebappLoader(Classloader) constructors. They should be removed in...

springboot Polish ConditionMessage#because()

Hi,I just noticed a tiny optimization opportunity in ConditionMessage#because to avoid unnecessary string concatenations...

springboot Polish ConditionMessage#because()

Forward port of issue #20847 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Make new SpringBoot Test "args" support properties resolution and take part of the context hierarchy id

I think args should behave like properties and allow something like @SpringBootTest(args = "--myargfoo=${test.foo.value}...

springboot Use YAML compatible classpath.idx format

For consistency with #20860 we could change the classpath.idx to also be YAML compatible.

springboot Use a more compact layers.idx format

The current layers.idx format is quite verbose and also needs custom parsing code if third-parties are to read it.We cou...

springboot Document fat-jar index files

We should update the appendix with details of the index files.

springboot Layer index file is malformed when file in jar contains a space

Regression since 2.3.0.M3. Create a Spring Boot 2.3.0.M4 project from start.spring.io and activate layered jar:bootJar {...

springboot Prevent duplication of issues created by CI automation

Forward port of issue #20680 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Prevent duplication of issues created by CI automation

Forward port of issue #20680 to 2.2.7.

springboot Document how to build images when behind an HTTP proxy

This was raised in the comments on the blog post about creating Docker images. I think it should be possible to get it t...

springboot Name generated PDF documentation files after the subproject

Generated PDF documentation is currently being published with inconsistent file naming. Spring Boot reference - spring-b...

springboot Change call to createClassLoader(URL) from 'super' to 'this'

ExecutableArchiveLauncher.createClassLoader(Iterator) calls createClassLoader(URL) method with 'super' effectively remov...

springboot ConditionalOnBean behaves weirdly when combined with ConditionalOnMissingBean

Hi all,I had a following scenario which lead me to conclusion that there's a bug in how springboot handles those two ann...

springboot Use WavefrontSender to export metrics to Wavefront

Micrometer 1.5 will switch to use WavefrontSender rather than a raw http client to export metrics. Spring Boot will have...

springboot Expose Prometheus#histogramFlavor property

As of Micrometer 1.4 we can chose between two histogram flavors. We should expose that additional property as a configur...

springboot Expose Elastic's pipeline and indexDateSeparator properties

Those properties aren't exposed and can be used to tune how micirometer exports metrics to Elasticsearch.Comment From: ...

springboot Expose AppOptics#floorTime property

See https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer/pull/1449
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