springboot LivenessStateChangedEvent cause is never exposed

Hi,I just looked into the relatively new LivenessStateChangedEvent/ReadinessStateChangedEvent stuff and found that the c...

springboot Add configuration property for Reactor Netty shutdown quiet period

As of reactor/reactor-netty#860, we can now configure the quiet period after the shutdown of the Reactor Netty web serve...

springboot Handler.java - exception handling

Bug: Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown.Problem is also probably in the method: getRootJarFile(String). B...

springboot Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.14.0

Hi,this PR upgrades Testcontainers to version 1.14.0 and replaces the temporary copy of the CouchbaseContainer as it sho...

springboot Add Cookie's SameSite directive property

See #15047Added the ability to configure the DefaultCookieSerializer's SameSite directive with an application property.F...

springboot Configure SameSite attribute on session Cookies with Spring Session

Currently, there's no way from application.properties to configure the Spring Session session cookie's SameSite attribut...

springboot Add reference to gRPC starter

This PR adds a link to the gRPC to the list of Spring Boot Starters.Thanks!Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@yidongnan P...

springboot ClassCastException with Redis cache and devtools

<parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-paren...

springboot Polish JarFile to extra anonymous inner class

Forward port of issue #20882 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Polish JarFile to extra anonymous inner class

When I'm checking my project with a tool:SpotBugs version 4.0.1https://spotbugs.github.io/I found a little problem in th...

springboot Prevent shaded imports from Datastax

Hi,I just noticed two imports of com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.base.Functions that could be replaced with ...

springboot Remove @ConditionalOnMissingBean check on deprecated JdbcConfiguration

Spring Data JDBC's org.springframework.data.jdbc.repository.config.JdbcConfiguration is deprecated, we should stop check...

springboot http-nio-8080-Acceptor-0 parking and refuse request

my spring boot website refuse request, but the JVM is running. The stack information is as follows"http-nio-8080-A...

springboot Make it more obvious that Jolokia does not work with a WebFlux app

See #17647The documentation mentions HTTP but we could use some note that it is a servlet and as such only works with Sp...

springboot Make it more obvious that Jolokia does not work with a WebFlux app

Forward port of issue #20623 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Make it more obvious that Jolokia does not work with a WebFlux app

Forward port of issue #20623 to 2.2.7.

springboot Rework some aspects of the probes support

There are a few changes that could be made to the recent availability probes work. Mostly these would be just cosmetic, ...

springboot Spring Boot Test , Repository bean not being created

Hie, I am injecting repositories into the spring boot tests.I have given that bean in the context configuration.@RunWith...

springboot ConverterNotFoundException for single entry map with "*" as key

(First, sorry to anyone who tried to read this before I reformatted the code blocks with triple backticks instead of the...

springboot Consider rollbacking RSocket BOM dependency

Hello everyone,We tried updating our applications to Spring Boot 2.2.5 (we are using gradle 6.2), and we are receiving t...
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