springboot Support square bracket notation profiles properties

As noted in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/19788#issuecomment-576250040 we currently don't suppor...

springboot Using @SpyBean with @Qualifer does not work in Spring 1.5.x

Hello allIn the Spring boot docs here it saysIf there is more than one bean of the requested type, qualifier metadata mu...

springboot Merge pull request #1 from spring-projects/master

masterComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@iwhsin Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually sync...

springboot @ElementCollection(fetch = EAGER) doesn't work properly with @EntityGraph

I have a query that selects entities "A" with joining "B" entity via @EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"b"}), which has eag...

springboot @MockBean is not autowired in Test

Spring Boot 1.5.4.RELEASEIf you have a unit test class that extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests and yo...

springboot Embedded database initial failed for setting empty spring.database.url

When compare v2.2.5.RELEASE...v2.2.6.RELEASE/diff-DataSourceAutoConfiguration#EmbeddedDatabaseCondition:v2.2.5.RELEASE:p...

springboot Embedded database initial failed for setting empty spring.database.url

Forward port of issue #20996 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Embedded database initial failed for setting empty spring.database.url

Forward port of issue #20996 to 2.2.7.

springboot Optimize AutoConfigurationImportSelector.filter()

Hi,I just found two tiny optimization opportunities in AutoConfigurationImportSelector.filter() that this PR addresses:s...

springboot JarWriter.InputStreamEntryWriter consumes too much memory

Comment From: philwebbLooks like I may have fixed this in 16e6bc89ed2f074c0fba8eab4d9115d0d6ac2dcd

springboot SpringBoot JPA and MongoDB

Trying to implement jpa and mongodb on springboot application with Eureka .its seems that there is a conflict created by...

springboot Proposal, give indication of timing for health check execution.

I'm submitting this PR as a proposal to provide a mechanism for tracking the duration any given health check implementat...

springboot Use RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE constant

Small refactor. Use RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE constant against the "javax.servlet.error.status_code" literal. ...

springboot Error parsing HTTP request header Note: further occurrences of HTTP request parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level

I am having problems with my Spring Boot application with embedded Tomcat 9.x. If left idle for some time it produces th...

springboot Auto-proxying problems when using @EnableGloabelMethodSecurity with spring-data-jpa

Describe the bugI get info logs during application startup, that a couple of Beans are not eligible for getting processe...

springboot Upgrade to Log4j2 2.13.1

Comment From: ncabanisThe Log4j2 version 2.13.1 contains a fix for a major bug:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG...

springboot jaxws-rt

Comment From: chiru007Hi, I am trying to migrate legacy spring app to boot which is having a some SOAP services written ...

springboot Add reference to XChange starter

I updated to spring boot starter list to add a spring boot starter we made for XChange.Our project : https://github.com/...

springboot Default management endpoint error path should honor server.error.include-* properties

The ManagementErrorEndpoint controller unconditionally disables the inclusion of the trace and errors attributes of an e...

springboot Add Jackson Afterburner module to spring-boot-starter-json autoconfiguration

Hi,it seems the Jackson Afterburner Module will result in improved performance in most cases, sometimes considerably.Thu...
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