springboot UndertowCompressionConfigurer fails on invalid Media Types

Forward port of issue #20955 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot UndertowCompressionConfigurer fails on invalid Media Types

When the server responds with an invalid Media Type, the UndertowCompressionConfigurer fails with an exception, where it...

springboot Change Handler hashCode method to use URI rather than URL

Comment From: snicoll@Konrado85 We've decided to fix that in 2.3.x. If you disagree with that, let the team know in the ...

springboot Migrate NewRelic metrics to NewRelicClientProvider

The httpClient is now deprecated so we need to migrate to the new API.As a result, we should double check that the conne...

springboot Disable auto-configuration of Hazelcast IMDG when Hazelcast Jet is present

Spring Boot auto-configures Hazelcast IMDG when it finds relevant configuration file on the classpath or root directory....

springboot Fix of the issue #10886 Incremental compilation does not keep metadata...

Hi!This PR fixes issue #10886 "Incremental compilation does not keep metadata for NestedConfigurationProperty".Proposed ...

springboot Slow startup since 2.2.5.RELEASE

Hi,we've just bumped Springboot version from 2.2.1 to 2.2.6 and suddenly our app's startup time almost doubled, both in ...

springboot Modularizing Spring

I'm sorry if this topic has come up a million times before, but I couldn't find an official statement about what the pla...

springboot Support running different main class from fat jar

Our applications contain multiple main classes via dependent jar library.(e.g.: a dependent jar contains simple tool app...

springboot Default for spring.kafka.listener.missing-topics-fatal is no longer aligned with Spring Kafka's default

Related to: ISSUE -20828Issue Explanation:Spring-Kafka configuration change - Starting with version 2.3.4, the missingTo...

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.Comment From: snicollThanks again @izeye!

springboot Change PropertiesLauncher equals method to use URI rather than URL

We seem to have a little problem here:"The equals and hashCode methods of URL are blocking"Comment From: bclozelI guess ...

springboot Add reference to Mule 4 starter

A 'Bootiful' approach to run Mule 4 embedded into a Spring Boot application.Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@mnusan Ple...

springboot Remove unused fields in tests

Hi,this PR removes a couple of unused fields in tests.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Unable to find Java

Hi, I'm developing a Spring Boot application on Ubuntu (running inside a Vagrant-managed virtual machine). I'm following...

springboot Provide an implicit layer for buildpack contributions

We should define a special layer name that's reserved for external contributions to an unpacked jar. I think the current...

springboot Make ActiveMQConnectionFactoryFactory public

As SSL ActiveMQ is not currently supported for autoconfiguration (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/17...

springboot Enhance autoconfiguration support for Spring HATEOAS.

DO NOT MERGESo far it has this:* Provide CodecCustomizer to support WebClient.* Provide RestTemplateCustomizer.* Provide...

springboot Auto Configure ClientRSocketConnector and ServerRsocketConnect for Spring integration RSocket

When I created a sample project to taste Spring Integration RSocket, but I have to create ServerRSocketConnector and Cli...

springboot A component of operating elastic search

Hello, I developed a component to operate elastic search. It has two ways to use it1. It is similar to spring-boot-start...
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