springboot Add an IsolationLevel regression test when Kafka 2.5 is out

Follow-up of #20811We can't write that test as Kafka 2.5 isn't out yet so let's make sure we have a task for it.Comment ...

springboot Links to CLI binaries are broken for non-snapshot builds

Hi,I just noticed that the link to the CLI-binary in the latest milestone builds is not working. Essentially it's always...

springboot Fix anchors in links to Maven and Gradle plugin docs

Hi,this PR fixes #21019. While doing so, I noticed another broken anchor that I fixed alongside. Hope that's okay.Cheers...

springboot Documentation on Layering Docker Images has a broken link to the Maven Plugin doc

Broken linkIn this section of the docs:https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.3.0.M4/reference/htmlsingle/#layering-d...

springboot Expose Graphite's graphiteTagsEnabled property

Follow-up of #20833Micrometer 1.4+ brings support for native tags support with Graphite, see https://github.com/micromet...

springboot Reconsider graphiteTagsEnabled default behaviour

See https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer-docs/issues/123If it turns out that we can manage to make the upgra...

springboot Fix typo in Adding Active Profiles

Forward port of issue #20907 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Fix typo in Adding Active Profiles

Fix typo.Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@avaz Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually syn...

springboot Document relaxed binding from environment variables

Forward port of issue #18215 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Document relaxed binding from environment variables

Forward port of issue #18215 to 2.2.7.

springboot Document relaxed binding from environment variables

If you use environment variables rather than system properties, most operating systems disallow period-separated key nam...

springboot Document devtool property file profile restrictions

Forward port of issue #19972 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Document devtool property file profile restrictions

Forward port of issue #19972 to 2.2.7.

springboot Document devtool property file profile restrictions

While loading of YAML files in home directory was fixed in #19081 it appears it is ignoring the profiles defined by the ...

springboot latest changes

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@SV27 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synchronize ...

springboot Unable to start spring boot 2 embedded tomcat with trust store

Getting below error while using both trust store and key store but without trust store (with only key store), it is work...

springboot Endpoint exposure patterns do not work with dashed IDs

Forward port of issue #20997 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Endpoint exposure patterns do not work with dashed IDs

Forward port of issue #20997 to 2.2.7.

springboot Deprecate getters and setters for deprecated configuration properties consistently

When we deprecate a configuration property, we add @DeprecatedConfigurationProperty to the getter along with a @Deprecat...

springboot Deprecate getters and setters for deprecated configuration properties consistently

Forward port of issue #20812 to 2.3.0.RC1.
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