Spring Beans of generic interfaces with nested Kotlin type parameters are not found

Interface implementations that use nested type parameters with Kotlin types are not found as implementations. The follow...

Spring Stream Closed appears when uploading files using MultipartFile

In order to read the body twice, we rewrite the HttpServletRequestWrapper, and wrap the original request through the Fil...

Spring Failed to load ApplicationContext in kotlin when using inner class @Component inside @Configuration

kotlinVersion = "1.3.21"springBootVersion = '2.1.3.RELEASE'Following code throws an exception breaking context setup:imp...

Spring Cannot mock @Service annotated Kotlin class with member extension function that has generics [SPR-17128]

s1monw1 opened SPR-17128 and commentedI was trying to mock a non-final, non-private Kotlin class with a simple Mockito.m...

Spring Support ProblemDetail serialization to XML with Jackson

Affects: 6.0.4During the analysis of https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/29588 it was discovered ...

Spring LockMode.OPTIMISTIC on an entity with collection throws "re-associated object has dirty collection"

Affects: \5.3.20org.springframework : spring-aop 5.3.20 spring-orm 5.3.18I have one entity Parent that holds a set of ...

Spring spring-modules-jbpm31 0.8 version compatible with Spring 5.3.20

I'm migrating from Spring 3 to Spring 5, I getting the following exceptionCaused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInsta...

Spring kotlin message converter extensions

Added kotlin message converter extension functions Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@SokoMishaLov Please sign the Contri...

Spring Prefer problem detail media type independent of ordering in Accept header

While replacing a custom implementation of Problem Details by the new one that came with Spring 6 I was puzzled by how c...

Spring Clearly document that DataClassRowMapper supports Java records

The current Javadoc for DataClassRowMapper is a bit vague and does not spell out that it actually supports Java records....

Spring Possible infinite forward loop with MockMvcWebConnection

Backport of gh-29483Comment From: simonbasleClosed by 4e00aec

Spring Restrict forwards in MockMvcWebConnection to 100

When a filter is configured to conditionally forward, and it is configured to handle FORWARD dispatches as well, and it ...

Spring Update @DynamicPropertySource examples regarding changes in Testcontainers

Backport of gh-29939Comment From: sbrannenClosed in 782ee34cb735c0d3f8e867f04efb31a4afe2b46dComment From: sbrannenReopen...

Spring Add MockMvc.multipart() Kotlin extensions with HttpMethod

This PR adds MockMvc.multipart() Kotlin extensions with HttpMethod for methods added in #28545 and #28631.Comment From: ...

Spring Update @DynamicPropertySource examples regarding changes in Testcontainers

While reviewing #29937, I realized that our Testcontainers examples are outdated: there is no longer a RedisContainer. I...

Spring Make @Scheduled's fixedDelay work with methods returning Mono

ContextConsider this method@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000)void job(){ // some syncronous work}The job() method can be c...

Spring Messaging: PayloadMethodArgumentResolver should call certain Decoders even if the message is empty

Affects: Spring-Messaging 6.0.3I am currently implementing an application, that uses Protobuf over RSocket for communica...

Spring Inject @PathVariable variables in argument DTO

Hi, I have this code in one of my controllers: @PutMapping("{id}") public EntityDTO update(@PathVariable(&qu...

Spring Update documentation according to testcontainer example

According to the testcontainer example the container should be started first. Otherwise it could lead to container port ...

Spring Fix RFC-7807 content negotiation

This PR fixes #29588, where we discussed the intended behavior concerning content negotiation with RFC-7807 content type...
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