Spring Support fragments in UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl()

Method fromHttpUrl ends with IllegalArgumentException if parameter contain fragmentjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [...

Spring Merge pull request #1 from spring-projects/master

Update from spring-projectsComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@fransonsr Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Cli...

Spring Webflux model in @GetMapping is empty

This appears to be a regression (works with Spring Boot 2.3.0 and fails with 2.3.1). I think it's more likely to be a We...

Spring MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter default character set issue

Version: Spring Framework 5.2.7MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter * <p>By default, this converter supports {@code...

Spring Make use of Servlet 4.0 mapping introspection when available [SPR-15320]

Juergen Hoeller opened SPR-15320 and commentedServlet 4.0 b03 is available now, introducing support for HttpServletReque...

Spring component-scan causes ClassNotFoundException on lazy-init beans which otherwise fail silently

Hi I've ran into a problem, and from looking at the exception message - feels like a bug (at least in the exception mess...

Spring Kotlin unable to inherit type for WebTestClient#BodySpec [SPR-15692]

Mikhail Konovalov opened SPR-15692 and commentedIt seems that due to recursive generics in BodySpec interfaceinterface B...

Spring Snapshot introduces breaking change

Hi team,It looks like the current snapshot version of spring-framework introduces breaking changes, potentially because ...

Spring Use @SafeVarargs in Jackson builder and factory

Using @SafeVarargs in Jackson mapper builder and factory bean classesallows the varargs methods to be used without a com...

Spring Use @SafeVarargs in Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder#modulesToInstall

Affects: 5.2.7When using Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder#modulesToInstall(Class<? extends Module>...) you get the foll...

Spring Convert JSR310 to SQL type if possible

Some driver can not infer the SQL type from JSR310 type in setObject method, we should convert JSR310 type to SQL type v...

Spring ObjectProvider.ifAvailable throws exception for scoped bean without an active scope

Affects: 5.2.4 (Spring Boot 2.2.6)I have a rest service that uses a @RequestScope bean to store some data.Now I want to...

Spring Make WebFlux multipart support fully Reactive [SPR-17122]

Sébastien Deleuze opened SPR-17122 and commentedSpring Framework 5.0 and 5.1 provides support for reactive multipart lev...

Spring AbstractBeanFactory#markBeanAsCreated might have some logical problems

AbstractBeanFactory#markBeanAsCreated is that protected void markBeanAsCreated(String beanName) { if (!this.a...

Spring spring-kafka critical vulnerability CVE-2018-1270

As per pivotal documentation (https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2018-1270), the critical vulnerability CVE-2018-1270...

Spring Use JDBC 4 API for connection validation

With this commit use the JDBC 4.0 isValid method tovalidate the connection. This is favorable over avalidation query.

Spring Official Gradle Wrapper Validation GitHub Action

See: https://github.com/gradle/wrapper-validation-actionComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@JLLeitschuh Please sign the Co...

Spring Add nullToEmpty convenience method to StringUtils

It allows you to replace common patterns like:if(string == null) { string = "";}doSomethingWith(string);or:...

Spring Performance test may result in ConcurrentModificationException, less than 1% of requests will fail

I don't know why happened this exception,if too many request access, less than one percent of request will fail.What sh...

Spring ConcurrentModificationException during high load - Spring Web REST [SPR-13609]

Robert Johansson opened SPR-13609 and commentedWhen running load tests on a rest service, each request has random xml co...
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