Spring Simplified return statement

return value if statements which can be simplified to a single assignment, return or assert statement.Comment From: pout...

Spring StreamingResponseBody OutputStream is instantly closed

Affects: 2.1.8-RELEASEHeyI've set up a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor to be able to stream a big bunch of images asynchronously....

Spring WebFlux: cancellation due timeout is not propagated from client to server [SPR-16768]

Peti Koch opened SPR-16768 and commentedWe are a local group of developers and we are studying the "reactive" inter-proc...

Spring Can't receive Publisher in @RequestBody using Spring Web MVC

Affects: 5.2.3.RELEASEI have an application which uses both spring webflux and spring web mvc because of certain constra...

Spring SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler Exception

Hi,Spring Boot 2.3.1 RELEASEI am trying to handle authentication failure using SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler and...

Spring UriComponentsBuilder.cloneBuilder() cause sharing query parameters between builders

Affects: 5.2.7.RELEASEpublic static void main(String[] args) { UriComponentsBuilder b1 = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri...

Spring Oracle LOB segments holding TEMP space after executing SP using SimpleJdbcCall with SqlParameterSource


Spring DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBean(Class) may throw NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when removeBeanDefinition is being called simultaneously to remove an unrelated bean

We're seeing sporadic NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exceptions out of ApplicationContext's getBean(Class) when in anothe...

Spring Don't get ContentCachingResponseWrapper in ShallowEtagHeaderFilter so that users can extend this wrapper

Issue Description:Code in ShallowEtagHeaderFilter:WebUtils.getNativeResponse(response, ContentCachingResponseWrapper.cla...

Spring Unnecessarily alarming stack trace logged during scheduler resolution

Affects: 5.1.6.RELEASEWhen booting server with TRACE logging enabled Spring prints an alarming-looking stack trace if th...

Spring Expose a setExceptionListener method in DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory [SPR-17570]

leachad opened SPR-17570 and commentedAs a user of the spring-jms artifacts, I would like to be able to register an exce...

Spring Merge pull request #1 from spring-projects/master

pullComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@zerotoone01 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually s...

Spring ObjectProvider.ifAvailable and ObjectProvider.getIfAvailable should take scope availability into consideration.

Affects: 5.1.4ObjectProvider.ifAvailable and ObjectProvider.getIfAvailable should take scope availability into considera...

Spring Allow for alternative JdbcOperations implementations

We have our own implementation of JdbcOperations that offer logging and tracing functionality. Unfortunately some JDBC s...

Spring SimpleJdbcCall does not find stored function with PostgreSQL driver 42.2.11

Affects: \<5.2.5.RELEASE>We use Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE, which includes jdbc driver PostgreSQL version 42.2.11.W...

Spring MutablePropertySources will not find or remove proxied sources

MutablePropertySources has get and remove methods that look like this:@Override@Nullablepublic PropertySource<?> g...

Spring Clarify enforceInitMethod/enforceDestroyMethod default values in AbstractBeanDefinition

Following up on #25318, the javadoc for setEnforceInitMethod and setEnforceDestroyMethod is misleading since the actual ...

Spring Allow auto grow for entries without default constructor in SpEL

Hi,I wanted to add a BigDecimal to a list using SpEL. Auto grow only works for element types with a default constructor ...

Spring builder.localeContextResolver is invoked twice in WebHttpHandlerBuilder.applicationContext

Affects: \<5.2.6>Comment From: sbrannenGood catch!The duplicated code block was accidentally introduced in a8a1fc6...

Spring Reconsider RequestMappingHandlerMapping automatically picking up types annotated with @RequestMapping on the type level

RequestMappingHandlerMapping.isHandler(…) not only picks up types annotated with @Controller but also ones that are anno...
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