SpringBoot IllegalStateException: Unable to register SSL bundle after 3.3.8 or 3.4.2

Forward port of issue https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/43989 to 3.5.x.Comment From: bclozelClosed w...

SpringBoot IllegalStateException: Unable to register SSL bundle after 3.3.8 or 3.4.2

Forward port of issue https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/43966 to 3.4.x.Comment From: bclozelClosed w...

SpringBoot Review @ConfigurationProperties annotated @Bean methods for ignored properties

As we now have a way to ignore properties, we should review the @ConfigurationProperties annotated @Bean methods if we w...

Spring Property binding to Map that implements Iterable no longer works

The initial PR gh-907 had the ordering, supported by tests:- List- Map- IterableThe version that was finally added has t...

Spring Data binding does not filter HTTP headers for constructor binding

SummarySince upgrading to Spring Boot 3.4.1, we have observed unexpected behavior where HTTP headers with names matching...

Spring StandardWebSocketClient should not expose localAddress

As discussed under #34304, there is no way to obtain that information. We should return null instead of an address with ...

MyBatis <bind> should behave like a local variable inside <foreach>

I found the following problem and report it.If I have time, I will fix it and create a pull request.MyBatis version3.5.1...

MyBatis SQL parameter substitution functionality differs substantially from string substitution functionality

In both the user guide (http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html#Parameters) and the GitHub FAQ (https://githu...

Spring Security AntPathRequestMatcher and MvcRequestMatcher have inconsistent behaviour against requests with null method

If you configure a new AntPathRequestMatcher(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**") and ask it to match an HttpRequest that returns ...

Spring Security Spring Authorization Server: Missing Principal Attribute in Token Exchange Process Causes ‘invalid_grant’ Error

I’m encountering an issue with the token exchange process in Spring Authorization Server. Specifically, the error occurs...

Spring AI Unable to write the document in Qdrant Vector store

Encountering an issue while tried to write a document in Qdrant vector store.[grpc-default-executor-2] ERROR io.qdrant.c...

SpringBoot Add @ConditionalOnProperties for Conditional Checks on Multiple Properties

Currently, Spring Boot provides the @ConditionalOnProperty annotation to conditionally load beans or configurations base...

SpringBoot Why does @Size(min) validation trigger before @NotBlank validation in Spring Boot?

I'm facing an issue where both the NotBlank and Size(min) validations are triggered simultaneously on empty fields in Sp...

SpringBoot Issue Closed Without My Reply - Request for Clarification

Dear Spring Boot Team,I am very disappointed that my issue (#43980 ) was closed by @philwebb without allowing me a chanc...

SpringBoot Ensure Only the First Validation Error Per Field in Spring Boot with Multiple Constraints

I am using Spring Boot with Jakarta Bean Validation and applying multiple validation rules to fields. However, when mult...

SpringBoot Enable autoconfiguration of OAuth2 machinery in a non-webapp

OAuth2 is useful in messaging and non-servlet, non-webflux apps. A lot of the machinery is not dependent on the web APIs...

SpringBoot Add links to Jackson Javadoc

Forward port of issue #43961 to 3.4.x.Comment From: wilkinsonaThis appears to have broken the docs build:[11:42:08.069] ...

SpringBoot Testcontainer Redis with having ssl:true in application.yml

Spring Boot: 3.4.2I just started using a redis testcontainer and notice that using @ServiceConnection does take the spri...

SpringBoot Enhancement: Static access to ObservationRegistry and Tracer

MDC, ObservationRegistry, Tracer, Metrics are 4 observability entry points.MDC and Metrics.globalRegistry are accessible...

Spring GenericTypeResolver returns EmptyType

After upgrading from spring-core 6.2.0 to 6.2.2, a new bug has surfaced. The method org.springframework.core.GenericType...
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