Pandas pd.read_csv generating different pd.DataFrames with identical dataset

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleFor loading the csvfile:loadedFile = pd.read_csv(fileLocation)For gettin...

Pandas Pandas install includes hefty 29MB tests/ directory

This is particularly relevant to people trying to minimize virtualenvs for AWS Lambda, where a max file size is imposed....

Pandas to_timedelta does not work properly with nanoseconds

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible>>> index = pandas.to_timedelta([15e-7], unit="s")&gt...

Pandas Where operation with setting doesn't work any more

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibledf2[df2 > 0] = -df2Problem descriptionIn the 10-minute tutorial this ...

Pandas DOC: Sphinx 1.7 compatability

I thought I posted this when the beta was out, but apparently not. We have a bit of work to do.[ ] Remove vendored IPyth...

Pandas pandas.read_csv tries to convert "NaN" even when specifying dtype argument

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possiblefrom pandas.compat import StringIOimport pandas as pdt1 = ""&q...

Pandas groupby by levels behaves differently than in pandas 0.20

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pdfrom numpy import nand = {(0, 'NNPDF31_nlo_as_0130_u...

Pandas Performance issue when using pivot_table with multiple columns out of which at least one is of type 'category'

Code Sampleimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport timen_rows = 1000n_categories = 250df = pd.DataFrame({'cat1': np....

Pandas Possibly unexpected behaviour when using apply and custom funcs

total=pd.DataFrame({"all_eternal":[1,2,1,1,0,1],"country_name":["United States","Germ...

Pandas Index Name vanishes when calling concat on two objects with different order indices

Using pd.concat results in index name disappearing when the index is not in the same order for DataFrames being concaten...

Pandas Adding Non-US holidays in has built-in only US holiday calendars. Is it possible to add other countries' holiday calendars ...

Pandas Is there any fast way to apply crossjoin or join not on two dataframes?

I try to find way to apply cross join on pandas. Failed to find useful suggestion in pandas document.Like SELECT * FROM ...

Pandas non-64-bit Indexes?

ser = pd.Series(np.arange(10, dtype=np.float128))>>> ser.dtypedtype('float128')>>> pd.Index(ser).dtype...

Pandas DataFrame groupby.first() is much slower than groupby.nth(0)

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pd, numpy as npdf1 = pd.DataFrame({'c1':np.concatenate(...

Pandas No explicit way to generate a DatetimeIndex with a infinite decimals frequency

Link to the (unanswred) stackoverflow question which contains more details.Problem descriptionThe problem concerns the u...

Pandas read_csv parses header incorrectly

from io import StringIOcsv = r"""Physical\Flows.Solve,9,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,01,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10""&q...

Pandas BUG: loc/iloc insertion inserts array, scalar expected

[1] df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2]])[2] df.iloc[0, 1:] = df.iloc[0, 1:].apply('{:+.2f}'.format)[3] df 0 10 1 [+2.00]...

Pandas Performance issue in Series with MultiIndex

Code SampleIn [81]: sd_series = pd.Series(range(1000), index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(100), range(10)]))In [82]...

Pandas unique Datetime test failure (local, py2 only)

Can anyone else reproduce this? (python 2 only)$ pytest pandas/tests/

Pandas alias for slice(None)

Having bunch of slice(None) in multilevel indexes (>=3 levels) looks pretty unreadable.Does it make sense to have an ...
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