springboot Webflux coroutines smoke test improvement

Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the proposal. Our smoke tests are intended to verify that functionality that Spring B...

springboot Impact of @SpyBean on mybaits dynamic proxy

hi, ask a question, I am using @SpyBean and found that the mapper interface of the mybatis layer annotated by @SpyBean b...

springboot Issue #20151 Improve Docker builder error message

when no Docker Daemon available. Translating IOException to DockerException for a more meaningful error message.

springboot simplify some code

You are right, I found in code inspect that there is code that can be simplified, but ci reports an unknown error, I try...

springboot simplifly a little code

I used idea inspect and found that some code can be simplified, so submit .Comment From: snicoll@wanghenan thanks for th...

springboot Can't use interface access for database access when using Kotlin's suspend

interface UserDao : CoroutineCrudRepository<User, Long> { @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = :$0&...

springboot Use @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) wherever possible

Forward port of issue #20541 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot Use @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) wherever possible

Hi,I noticed a couple of places where @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) could be used - at least to the best of my ...

springboot spring-boot-dependencies 2.2.5 breaks selenium-chrome-driver

After upgrading our project to spring-boot-dependencies 2.2.5.RELEASE, the Selenium Chrome Driver is broken.Details: The...

springboot Upgrade to Couchbase Java SDK 3

Hi spring-boot team,after a chat with @mp911de he suggested I open a ticket here to give everyone a heads up. We just r...

springboot Configure Couchbase ourselves rather than importing Spring Data's abstract config

When we integrate with a Spring Data store, we configure things ourselves but we don't do that at the moment for Couchba...

springboot Implementation fail in TestRestTemplate

I am currently having trouble with the TestRestTemplate. We are using special characters in our application as "äöüß" fo...

springboot simplify some code

When I use idea for inspection, I find that some code can be simplified, so I submit a pr.Comment From: pivotal-issuemas...

springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

Forward port of issue #20531 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

Forward port of issue #20531 to 2.2.6.

springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

I have a project that uses the getSource() of the ApplicationHome, and today I tested the project in another pc using wi...

springboot Rework o.s.b.a.couchbase.CouchbaseConfiguration to avoid the need for bean method proxying

Comment From: ayudovin@wilkinsona, I would like to work on it. Please let me know if I can start working on it?Comment F...

springboot Unexpected behaviour when set property in application.yml with kebab-case format

Hello!I trying to get property from application.yml.My application.yml is:resource: apiUrl: ${RESOURCE_API_URL}v2/ api-u...

springboot Add package info to javadoc for new packages in spring-boot-loader(-tools)

The following packages have no description:org.springframework.boot.loader.jarmodeorg.springframework.boot.loader.tools....
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