springboot About @configurationproperties modification is placed on the class method

Just like down here,What should be expected?If the configuration has database connection properties, can inject them?@C...

springboot Add support for auto-configuration of Hazelcast Jet

This commit adds support for auto-configuration of Hazelcast Jet serverand client and auto-configuration of Hazelcast Je...

springboot Upgrade Ubuntu version in CI images

Upgrade to ubuntu:bionic-20200311Comment From: dreis2211If the automatic docker upgrade works, I'd like to eventually sw...

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200311

Forward port of issue #20566 to 2.3.0.M4.Comment From: snicollThis was reverted as 20200311 isn't available at this time

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200311

Forward port of issue #20566 to 2.2.6.Comment From: snicollThis was reverted as 20200311 isn't available at this time

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200311

Hi,this PR fixes #20565 .Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollOh boyStep 1/11 : FROM ubuntu:bionic-20200311manifest for ...

springboot Add HealthEndpointGroupsRegistry and its Customizer

As of 2.2.0, Spring Boot introduced HealthEndpointGroups for grouping subsets of health indicators under a single name a...

springboot Publish javadoc for the Maven Plugin

While writing the release notes for Spring Boot 2.3.0.M2, I've realized that the structure of the reference doc for the ...

springboot Add 'threads' configuration group for embedded containers

Moves all thread related server properties under a "threads" group for each server implementation that has thread relate...

springboot Favicon not updating

Using default favicon configuration, auto-lookup without any favicon tag inside html head.After initial favicon is cache...

springboot Add security.protocol to KafkaProperties

Hi,this PR should fix #19220 by providing the possibility to specify spring.kafka.security.protocol or any of the more s...

springboot Update Gradle's layer configuration DSL to remove the double usage of layers

The Gradle DSL for layer configuration currently uses layers twice:bootJar { layers { layers "dependencie...

springboot Include templates in the default resources layer

The default resources layer currently gets its content from the following locations:META-INF/resources/resourcesstaticpu...

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.3 RC3

Hi,this PR updates to Gradle 6.3 RC3. It seems that the upgrade to RC2 missed to update the gradle-wrapper.jar already.C...

springboot Only test default Gradle version with JDK 14

Hi,since we're not excluding the spring-boot-gradle-plugin but rather use the RC of Gradle 6.3 we need another adjustmen...

springboot Add Java 14 CI

Hi,this PR should add a CI job for Java 14 and therefore closes #20147 . Again - as the CI topics are extremely hard to ...

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.3 RC2

Gradle 6.3 adds support for Java 14 and its GA is around the corner. Let's upgrade to RC2 to provide a Java 14 CI build ...

springboot Add Java 14 CI

With Java 14 now in release candidate phase, we ned to add a compatibility build to 2.3. There are two things to conside...

springboot Fix formatting issues

Hi,9f3bc78f364bcb3b81344c201ff26945bc6be011 seems to have introduced a couple of formatting issues.Cheers,ChristophComme...

springboot Recommend configuring compileJava's inputs to include processResources' output when generating configuration metadata

compileJava.dependsOn(processResources) is not enough to ensure the correct behavior.Using dependsOn only affects the ex...
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