springboot How to bind DefaultClientResource to current LettuceConnectionFactory ?

I have implemented a dynamic Redis data source, I find a interface named LettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer th...

springboot Add a default method to Lettuce/JedisClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer

the old issue #21120A pull request was submitted before but it involves a change in the interface signature and thus des...

springboot Custom redis client configuration builder add param "RedisProperties"

(original text from #21120)I have implemented a dynamic Redis data source, I find a interface named LettuceClientConfigu...

springboot spring boot throw java.sql.SQLException: Invalid object name 'BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE'

Hi everyone, I m stucked with spring boot in my app , it's dont want to run schema nor tables , only connect to my datab...

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.Comment From: snicollThanks again Johnny!

springboot Remove this keyword on member method invocations

This PR removes this keyword on member method invocations for consistency as most of them don't have this keyword.

springboot Add formatting instructions for the buildSrc module

Comment From: mikesmithson@wilkinsona - is there any interest in this PR?Comment From: philwebbis there any interest in ...

springboot Enhance Database initialization how to guide

As discussed in #20920, I have enhanced the Database initialization guide clarifying the expected behavior when using a ...

springboot Enhance Database initialization how to guide

Forward port of issue #21077 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Fix typo

Hi,I just noticed a tiny typo in GradleBuildFieldSetter.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Fix typo

Forward port of issue #21002 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Polish ApplicationHome

Removed minor code duplication.Comment From: snicollThank you for making your first contribution to Spring Boot.

springboot Remove unused method

Hi,just noticed this unused method in SpringApplicationTests.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Avoid recompiling pattern in Handler#canonicalize

Hi,this PR avoids recompiling a pattern for the SEPARATOR string on every Handler#canonicalize call.Cheers,Christoph

springboot Fix link to R2DBC Query in docs

Hi,it seems that with 1.1.0 of the R2DBC integration the Query class moved one layer up.I hope that was the last 404 in ...

springboot Polish

Hi,this PR polishes some trivial stuff by fixing typos throughout the project.Tests will likely fail due to the build fa...

springboot JAR cannot load SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE

FactSpring boot JAR can load profile from -Dspring.profiles.active flag, but not from SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment...

springboot Maybe an enhancement for spring-boot-starter-jooq

Hello Spring Boot Team,I migrated today from JOOQ 3.13.1 (org.jooq: jooq, jooq-meta and jooq-codegen) to spring-boot-sta...

springboot SpringBootTest doesn't resolve properties without @EnableConfigurationProperties

Spring Boot 2.2.5@SpringBootTest(classes = { MyConfigurationProperties.class, SomeConfiguration1.class, ...

springboot spring-boot

Comment From: bclozelPlease create a repository in your own account to try GitHub features. This issue tracker is for Sp...
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