springboot Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.0.RELEASE

Upgrade Spring Boot 2.3 to Lettuce 5.3.0. The release will be available by next week once Project Reactor 3.3.5 is avail...

springboot Delete Toml class

Hi,this PR closes #21124 .Cheers,ChristophComment From: dreis2211Test failure seems unrelated

springboot Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.0-RC7

Forward port of issue #21046 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.0-RC7

RSocket has refactored and deprecated some of its API, we should adapt to those changes and deprecate some contracts as ...

springboot Delete Toml class

I don't think we use it any more.Comment From: wilkinsonaClosing in favour of #21129.

springboot 2.3.0.M2 assertj version incompatible with XMLUnit

In 2.3.0.M2 the assertj version was changed from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0. This version is not fully compatible with XMLUnit 2.6...

springboot Version 2.1.13:Can't startup app when use simple field in spring data jpa

I had a simple field like pId, and it can used in jpa repository like :List<Company> findByPId(Integer pid);It can...

springboot JarFiles are being left open

Forward port of issue #21126 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot JarFiles are being left open

Windows CI is failing following the fix for #17796 but only on 2.2.x. I suspect this may be a result of the new fix clas...

springboot JarFiles are being left open

Back port of issue #21126 to 2.1.14

springboot Throw exception if spring.config.location uses classpath*:

Forward port of issue #21168 to 2.3.0.RC1.

springboot Throw exception if spring.config.location uses classpath*:

Forward port of issue #21168 to 2.2.7.

springboot Upgrade to Reactor Bom Californium-SR18

Comment From: snicollClosed by https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/commit/16005c608f64cc8ab0410ba498248a7c0d0...

springboot Automatically create a developmentOnly configuration for use with DevTools

Following on from https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/14451, we could update the Gradle plugin to auto...

springboot Reactor-Netty Metrics

Since the release of reactor-netty 0.9.0.RELEASE, both the server and the client will now collect several groups of metr...

springboot Polish

When using IDEA for inspection, I found that some code can be simplified, so I submit a PR here.Comment From: pivotal-i...

springboot Fix Actuator API PDF name

Hi,I found another broken link in the docs pointing to the actuator api PDF. An alternative solution to what I've done i...

springboot Remove empty test rule package

Hi,this PR removes the org.springframework.boot.test.rule package that only consists of a package-info.java file and is ...

springboot 2.3.0 rest call error messages became worse

Version 2.2.6 gives useful error-messages/kunde-api/kunden/bf73ce21-f91b-4619-8891-1b4b471db3fe (not found)->"Kunde n...

springboot Create ReactorNettyHttpClientMapper for configuring HttpClient

Spring Framework provides a ReactorClientHttpConnector for WebClient, backed by Reactor Netty as an HTTP client. This co...
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