springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

Forward port of issue #20531 to 2.2.6.

springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

I have a project that uses the getSource() of the ApplicationHome, and today I tested the project in another pc using wi...

springboot Rework o.s.b.a.couchbase.CouchbaseConfiguration to avoid the need for bean method proxying

Comment From: ayudovin@wilkinsona, I would like to work on it. Please let me know if I can start working on it?Comment F...

springboot Unexpected behaviour when set property in application.yml with kebab-case format

Hello!I trying to get property from application.yml.My application.yml is:resource: apiUrl: ${RESOURCE_API_URL}v2/ api-u...

springboot Add package info to javadoc for new packages in spring-boot-loader(-tools)

The following packages have no description:org.springframework.boot.loader.jarmodeorg.springframework.boot.loader.tools....

springboot Fix formatting in CustomLayersProvider

Hi,this PR fixes a tiny formatting violation in the current builds.Cheers,ChristophComment From: mbhaveThanks @dreis2211...

springboot Use Gradle's configuration avoidance API

Since last year there's a new Gradle API for registering tasks called the 'Configuration Avoidance API'. This API was in...

springboot Provide a way to customize layers with the Gradle plugin

Comment From: wilkinsonaThere's no easy and reliable way for us to map from BootJar's classpath (a FileCollection) to Ma...

springboot Null indexed-param not working with 2.1.6.RELEASE

I upgrade my project from 2.0.5.RELEASE to 2.1.6.RELEASE.All requests are indexed-param (positioned-param) like (?1 ... ...

springboot Build failures in WarIntegrationTests

Hi,I haven't been able to fix it straight away today, so this time I only report it instead of creating a PR.After ca202...

springboot JSON-B/Yasson on SpringBoot: IOException Stream Closed

Hi everyone,In Spring Boot 2.2.5, one can choose their own json provider.Exclude the default JacksonAdd the Yasson depen...

springboot Upgrade to Snakeyaml 1.26

This is required in both 2.1.x and 2.2.xComment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the suggestion, but we do not upgrade to new ...

springboot Fix some deprecation warnings

Hi,this PR fixes a couple of deprecations around the Saml2 Security integration.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollTha...

springboot OneToOne-association produces error on 2.2.0.RELEASE when using PostgreSQL

We have Spring Boot application using a OneToOne annotation and PostgreSQL. Owning class:```@Entity@Table(name = "PAYMEN...

springboot RedisReactiveHealthIndicator blocks on error by calling close, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-epoll

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thr...

springboot Fix method order checkstyle issue

Hi,0315724126340fa25e25159f5baec19bcf8fb86d introduced a tiny checkstyle issue that this PR fixes.Cheers,ChristophCommen...

springboot Support caching of endpoint responses when the request has a principal

ProblemHealth endpoint's cache time to live property is not working when there is a live session (when the user is authe...

springboot Jwt Decoder: signature algorithm configuration not used in combination with public-key-file

When configuring a jwk public key file the alogrithm configuration is not used but always set to RS256.See OAuth2Resourc...

springboot Allow tags to be added to those provided by default for WebMVC and WebFlux

Bean in question:https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/blob/d4c7315369e7e9dce6eb1c77e5f23d1e670247c8/spring-boo...

springboot Add auto-config for Prometheus Pushgateway. Fixes #14346

Fixes #14346 - adds support for Prometheus Pushgateway.Basically a backport of master of https://github.com/micrometer-m...
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