springboot Add Java 14 CI

Hi,this PR should add a CI job for Java 14 and therefore closes #20147 . Again - as the CI topics are extremely hard to ...

springboot Upgrade to Gradle 6.3 RC2

Gradle 6.3 adds support for Java 14 and its GA is around the corner. Let's upgrade to RC2 to provide a Java 14 CI build ...

springboot Add Java 14 CI

With Java 14 now in release candidate phase, we ned to add a compatibility build to 2.3. There are two things to conside...

springboot Fix formatting issues

Hi,9f3bc78f364bcb3b81344c201ff26945bc6be011 seems to have introduced a couple of formatting issues.Cheers,ChristophComme...

springboot Recommend configuring compileJava's inputs to include processResources' output when generating configuration metadata

compileJava.dependsOn(processResources) is not enough to ensure the correct behavior.Using dependsOn only affects the ex...

springboot Webflux coroutines smoke test improvement

Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the proposal. Our smoke tests are intended to verify that functionality that Spring B...

springboot Impact of @SpyBean on mybaits dynamic proxy

hi, ask a question, I am using @SpyBean and found that the mapper interface of the mybatis layer annotated by @SpyBean b...

springboot Issue #20151 Improve Docker builder error message

when no Docker Daemon available. Translating IOException to DockerException for a more meaningful error message.

springboot simplify some code

You are right, I found in code inspect that there is code that can be simplified, but ci reports an unknown error, I try...

springboot simplifly a little code

I used idea inspect and found that some code can be simplified, so submit .Comment From: snicoll@wanghenan thanks for th...

springboot Can't use interface access for database access when using Kotlin's suspend

interface UserDao : CoroutineCrudRepository<User, Long> { @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = :$0&...

springboot Use @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) wherever possible

Forward port of issue #20541 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot Use @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) wherever possible

Hi,I noticed a couple of places where @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) could be used - at least to the best of my ...

springboot spring-boot-dependencies 2.2.5 breaks selenium-chrome-driver

After upgrading our project to spring-boot-dependencies 2.2.5.RELEASE, the Selenium Chrome Driver is broken.Details: The...

springboot Upgrade to Couchbase Java SDK 3

Hi spring-boot team,after a chat with @mp911de he suggested I open a ticket here to give everyone a heads up. We just r...

springboot Configure Couchbase ourselves rather than importing Spring Data's abstract config

When we integrate with a Spring Data store, we configure things ourselves but we don't do that at the moment for Couchba...

springboot Implementation fail in TestRestTemplate

I am currently having trouble with the TestRestTemplate. We are using special characters in our application as "äöüß" fo...

springboot simplify some code

When I use idea for inspection, I find that some code can be simplified, so I submit a pr.Comment From: pivotal-issuemas...

springboot ApplicationHome does not work correctly with paths that contain spaces

Forward port of issue #20531 to 2.3.0.M4.
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