Redis [NEW]Reduce the gossip traffic of the cluster by an order of magnitude

The problem/use-case that the feature addressesAccording to existing information and experience, we found the Redis prob...

Spring Security Adding a new securityFilterChain using java config in an xml configured application doesn't work

We have a Spring MVC application based on spring 5.x, also uses spring-security 5.x. The beans and the security filter c...

Spring AI Bug: googleSearchRetrieval(true) causes INVALID_ARGUMENT error with Gemini 2.0 (use google_search instead)

When using the VertexAiGeminiChatOptions class with the googleSearchRetrieval(true) option, the API call fails with the ...

Spring AI SimpleVectorStore: expose JSON String serialization features

SimpleVectorStore now saves store to file with JSON string format. But logic to convert store to JSON string is private ...

Spring AI Update spring bom

Include <dependency> <groupId>io.modelcontextprotocol.sdk</groupId> <artifactId>mcp-bom&lt...

SpringBoot ErrorController not called for non existing APIs after upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3.3(from 2.7.0)

Issue: ErrorController Not Called After Upgrading to Spring Boot 3.3.3Hello everyone, this is my first time raising an i...

SpringBoot Web server customizers are applied twice when creating the child management context

They're registered as beans in the child context through ServletWebServerFactoryAutoConfiguration which is registered wi...

SpringBoot Recursive queries with h2 db is not working with spring boot 3.4. It was working with spring boot 3.2.3

Hello, We have an application that exposes some APIs with spring boot 3.2.3.For DB layer testing, we used h2 db (version...

SpringBoot MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT not working with native build

Hi,I noticed it's possible to use SERVER_PORT with native build, but MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT is ignored. Didn't found doc...

Spring Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.10

See and

Spring @MockitoBean behaviour with subclassed class annotated @Primary

Using Spring Boot 3.4.2Bug ReportsGiven the following classes @Componentpublic class BaseService { public void doSome...

MyBatis-Plus [功能改进]: 描述 分库分表功能支持

确认[x] 我的版本是最新版本, 我的版本号与 version 相同, 并且项目里无依赖冲突[x] 我已经在 issue 中搜索过, 确认问题没有被提出过[x] 我已经修改标题, 将标题中的 描述 替换为遇到的问题功能改进是否支持分库分表功...

Spring Security Support POST method for ServerRedirectStrategy

This is the reactive counterpart to gh-13002. See gh-16214.Comment From: franticticktickHi @sjohnr, could you assign thi...

Spring Security Make AuthorizationDecision Serializable

In order to make AuthorizationDeniedException serializable, we need to make the authorization decision it holds serializ...

Spring Security Replace WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator

With the introduction of AuthorizationManager, it should be possible to deprecate WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator.The st...

Spring AI I cannot create an instance of OllamaChatModel without optional fields that are marked with Assert.notNull

There is no more the possibility to create an instance of OllamaChatModel because there is no a default ToolCallingManag...

SpringBoot Spring Boot reference documentation - Build failure

I am following the instructions under "Building reference documentation" in the README of the "Master" branch at:https:/...

SpringBoot Remove hardcoded knowledge of web server customisation when creating management context

SpringBoot Relocate JerseyApplicationPath

JerseyApplication path is currently in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet. Both it and DefaultJerseyAppl...

SpringBoot Using @EntityScan / @EnableJpaRepositories in a dependency breaks component scan

I have a spring-boot project A which can run on its own, or, alternatively can run "embedded" as a dependency of another...