Pandas pandas exponentially slower when running concurrently in multiple processes

I have a method that uses pandas to do extensive read-only calculations on a 800MB DataFrame loaded using read_pickle.Th...

Pandas read_csv getting TypeError with decimal.Decimal type

Code sampleWe read in a two column, two row file test_data.csv, that looks like the following:x, y1, 2import decimalimpo...

Pandas pandas dataframe to_sql insert to postgresql not work

def testSQL(): import psycopg2 import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine try: engine = ...

Pandas Default value of df.set_index()'s argument 'inplace' should be True.

Code demonstrating my issue with the 'inplace' argument of df.set_index().import pandas as pd#start from a 2-dim listali...

Pandas ValueError: Cannot index with multidimensional key

items = ['A','B']major_axis=['a','b','c']minor_axis=[1,2,3]pl = pd.Panel(np.random.randn(2,3,3), items=items, major_axis...

Pandas HDF5 file reading error: "Attribute 'block2_items_variety' does not exist in node:/data"

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible# Your code heredata.to_hdf('data.h5',mode='w',format='f')data =

Pandas DOC deprecation warning to_datetime

I was wondering if in the documentation on Timeseries, the occurrences to_datetime should be changed to to_pydatetime.If...

Pandas read_csv() issue for CSV files with mimetype application/

I use pandas.read_csv() to read an URL of an uploaded CSV file. However, sometimes it caused an issue that read_csv() re...

Pandas Adding TimedeltaIndex to tz-aware DatetimeIndex: TypeError: data type not understood

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pddates = pd.date_range('2017-01-01', '2017-01-31', tz=...

Pandas How to save a long number to the csv file?

Codeimport pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(["3100000035155588379531799826432", "310000003515558843300273337...

Pandas no module named pandas

dict = { "country": ["brasil", "russland", "norge", ], "capital":["brasillia", "moskva", "oslo"], "area": [8....

Pandas pct_change computes incorrect values

btc_nvt.txtCode Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npdef to_weekly(dataframe,...

Pandas df.apply ignores reduce=True, if function returns list

def get_candidates_3(closing, sales, settings: dict=_default_) -> list: S = sales.loc[:closing['future_cap'], :] ...

Pandas read_excel dtype should supersede convert_float

If a float dtype is explicitly specified for a column, none of the values in the column should be converted to integers....

Pandas Groupby wrong behavior?

I already wrote about this in stackoverflow but got no answers.Is there a reason why swapping the elements in val2, grou...

Pandas "TypeError: can't pickle File objects" when reading HDFS in chunks for a Pool map

I'm trying to parallelize text processing on a large DataFrame stored in an HDFS, but when I try to map the chunk from t...

Pandas stack() does not work with subclassed DataFrame

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibleIn [1]: from pandas import Series, DataFrameIn [2]: class SubclassedSeri...

Pandas Overzealous ParserWarning when using dialect param on read_csv

Code Sampleimport csvimport pandascsv.register_dialect('mydialect', delimiter='|', escapechar='\\', doublequote=False, q...

Pandas DataFrame astype may not work properly

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible# Your code heredf = pd.DataFrame({"a":[1,2,3], "b":...

Pandas Using DataFrame.rename changes the type of an index

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possibledf = pd.DataFrame({1:['a','b','c'], 2:['d','e','f']})print(df.index)df2 ...
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