Spring Cloud Config Cannot refresh configs in @FeignClient with @RefreshScope

I'm running a Spring Config Server and another Spring boot app that uses config server. I have a Feign-Client in my seco...

Spring Cloud Config Spring cloud config server on refresh -> logback config springProperty can not get

Project configuration is strictly regulated.The common package contains the bootstrap.yml file, which defines the addres...

Spring Cloud Config ConfigServerConfigDataLoader constructor should use DeferredLogFactory

Describe the bugSpring cloud version : 4.0.0-SNAPSHOTSpring cloud config client : ConfigServerConfigDataLoader debug lev...

Spring Cloud Config Remote hung up unexpectedly

I am trying to connect to private gitlab self hosted service with ssh key.Following is the yaml configspring: cloud: ...

Spring Cloud Config Default git branch (master) no longer served after upgrade

With Spring Boot 2.6.2 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.0 the config on the default git branch 'master' could be retrieved from t...

Spring Cloud Config Local Standby if Remote Repository is not available

This issue has been addressed here How do I setup a local fallback config for Spring Cloud Config service incase remote ...

Spring Cloud Config Does the Git repository *have* to delete the baseDir on startup?

On startup the JGitEnvironmentRepository deletes the configured baseDir and then attemps to pull a fresh config from the...

Spring Cloud Config Profiles with - in the name cause 404 from config server

Describe the bugSpring Cloud Config Server version 3.1.1Spring Cloud Config Client version 3.1.1When a label is not prov...

Spring Cloud Config Spring-cloud-config server with jdbc backend returns property sources in incorrect order

Spring cloud version : Finchley.SR2Spring boot version : 2.0.6.RELEASEspring cloud config with jdbc backend does not ret...

Spring Cloud Config Try multiple URLs when error response code received

We want to configure our clients with two URLs for two config servers - each one pointing to a different git management ...

Spring Cloud Config Immutable @ConfigurationProperties with @ConstructorBinding fail to change on context refresh

Followup of #1547 since it has been locked.Cherry picking an example of my rationale then locking the issue is at least ...

Spring Cloud Config Config client doesn't try next label if first one doesn't exist

If I set spring.cloud.config.label=nonexistant,master then the RestClient receives a 404 on the 'nonexistant' label whic...

Spring Cloud Config Unable to provide different values of spring.config.import.configserver since 2020.0.4

Describe the bugSpring Cloud version = 2020.0.4+IssueWhen providing multiple values as list for config server url, the l...

Spring Cloud Config Not able to inject aws s3 ResourceLoader to load KeyStore

Not able to inject s3 resource loader in order to load key from s3 or any external source.I have tries to do it via spri...

Spring Cloud Config Document .json endpoint

I didn't find any mention in the documentation how can I do this simple thing.We develop javascript browser-side applica...

Spring Cloud Config Deprecated ConfigurationBeanFactoryMetadata is removed in Spring Boot 2.3.0.M1

I just tried to upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.0.M1 in a SC Config project. However, I get a CNFE because org.springframewor...

Spring Cloud Config Spring Cloud Config with JDBC backend dosn't support all HTTP service's resources

Describe the bugI've create two projects:Spring Cloud Config Server with H2 database as a backendSpring Boot simple app ...

Spring Cloud Config url /{label}/{application}-{profile}.properties stopped working in spring boot 2.6.1 and config 3.1.0

I upgraded spring cloud to 2021.0.0 and spring boot to 2.6.1 and it stopped working for URL in format /{label}/{applicat...

Spring Cloud Config Spring Cloud 2021.0.0, Spring Boot 2.6.x - retrieving files (.json, .yl, .properties) fails in case a label is deifined in the url

To provide configuration properties for legacy apps we have to retrieve the configuration by file using one of the paths...

Spring Cloud Config Multi tenancy support

We are considering using the config server for our multi-tenant SaaS application, but have trouble finding an elegant wa...
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