springboot Tomcat: Expose maxIdleTime Application Property

I think it would be helpful if maxIdleTime for Tomcat threads would be exposed as an application aproperty.As far as I k...

springboot Jetty logs a custom context path incorrectly when compression is enabled

Forward port of issue #19969 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Jetty logs a custom context path incorrectly when compression is enabled

Forward port of issue #19969 to 2.2.5.

springboot Add setAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding method to ApplicationContextRunner

See #17963 for background. As well as fixing the name generation we should add a setAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding method...

springboot Use Supplier variants of Assert

Hi,this PR changes some Assert calls to make use of their Supplier variants in order to save the overhead of String cons...

springboot Fix Gradle plugin documentation links

Hi,I saw also one broken link in the Gradle Plugin docs that this PR will fix.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollGood ...

springboot Fix Gradle plugin documentation links

Forward port of issue #19961 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Fix Gradle plugin documentation links

Forward port of issue #19961 to 2.2.5.

springboot Replace deprecated Concourse resource for pull requests

Forward port of issue #19944 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Replace deprecated Concourse resource for pull requests

Forward port of issue #19944 to 2.2.5.

springboot Replace deprecated Concourse resource for pull requests

Hi,apparently https://github.com/jtarchie/github-pullrequest-resource has been replaced by https://github.com/telia-oss/...

springboot Exclude dependencies during repackaging process for the war archive

When maven-war-plugin builds a war file, it includes all artifact dependencies and put them into WEB-INF/lib folder, but...

springboot Provide configuration properties for configuring an ActiveMQ connection factory that uses SSL

see gh-17365Comment From: philwebbThanks for the PR @nosan. Our SSL support is becoming a bit disjointed and I think we ...

springboot Provide a way to run HealthIndicators concurrently

see gh-2652Please let me know if I need something to document.Comment From: nosanThank you very much @snicoll PR has bee...

springboot Reactive health indicators do not log health check failure

see gh-17634Comment From: nosanoops, @since tag is wrong :(Comment From: snicollThanks once again, @nosan.Comment From: ...

springboot Depends on semantic between Liquibase and JPA are no longer applied with custom SpringLiquibase

LiquibaseEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor is no longer called if a user has registered SpringLiquibase bean.Th...

springboot Polish AbstractDependsOnBeanFactoryPostProcessor

Polish AbstractDependsOnBeanFactoryPostProcessor to avoid using try {} catch blockComment From: nosanHi @snicoll,Thank y...

springboot Rename Neo4j bean names

see gh-19524Here is the second approach: https://github.com/nosan/spring-boot/commit/9c666b5a06a644a46ce35ff420e534070fb...

springboot PoolingDataSourceBean getParentLogger throws StackOverflowError

see gh-19636Comment From: nosan@wilkinsona Actually it does not return a global logger 😄 , it always throws StackOverflo...

springboot Dirty changes when using CqlSessionBuilder to create several sessions

CqlSessionBuilder is a mutable builder, hence this may lead to unexpected situations. Here is a configuration that shows...
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