springboot Unset forward header strategy in kubernetes environment eats X-Forwarded-* headers in Spring Boot 2.2

I'm working on applications that requires access to X-Forwarded-* headers, unfortunately Spring Boot 2.2 changed the way...

springboot Drop support for Jetty 9.4.21 and earlier

See #18536Comment From: dreis2211Do we have some documentation about minimum supported versions in general, @philwebb ? ...

springboot Links to apply method in AutoTimer's javadoc are broken

Forward port of issue #19572 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot reporting

Comment From: mbhaveThis looks like it was opened in error.Comment From: cuzaIt was an error, sorry

springboot Protect tests against Docker slowness

We have a number of tests that, via Testcontainers, rely on a Docker container starting up and something in that contain...

springboot Protect tests against Docker slowness

Forward port of issue #19569 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot Protect tests against Docker slowness

Forward port of issue #19569 to 2.2.3.

springboot gitee

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@CTimes Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synchroniz...

springboot HypermediaAutoConfiguration hinges on Spring MVC

Forward port of issue #19392 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot HypermediaAutoConfiguration hinges on Spring MVC

A Spring WebFlux application that uses Spring HATEOAS and has properly excluded Spring MVC will blow up due to Hypermedi...

springboot spring boot 2.0.9 actuator exception

Hello,Trying to upgrade from spring boot 1.5.21 to 2.0.9 release. we are getting below issue. can you please help us?jav...

springboot Add ComponentScan#nameGenerator alias on @SpringBootApplication

Please provide specialized BeanNameGenerator implementations and provide a property to choose one. E.g spring.bean-name-...

springboot After Loading the Application context object created through new operator was not loading all the instance variables

Hi,After loading the context through application.xml. Then autowired annotation is working when the object is created t...

springboot Spring Boot's antlib references a properties file that is no longer packaged in its jar

Forward port of issue #19552 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot Spring Boot's antlib references a properties file that is no longer packaged in its jar


springboot autoconfigure spring.resources.add-mappings causes interceptor invalid

When I use spring.resources.add-mappings autoconfigure, at the same time registe a interceptor which 'PathPattern' is no...
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