springboot Enable Reactor Scheduler Metrics By Default

Project reactor provides an api to expose metrics from it's internal schedulers. These metrics are very useful and I can...

springboot Use DOCKER_ env vars to locate the Docker daemon when building OCI images

I'm running Docker from minikube (and also tried a remote docker machine).The docker daemon endpoint and cert are config...

springboot Clarify that spring.datasource.hikari.* properties are bound to a HikariDataSource instance

The documentation lists all of the third-party properties that can be bound, but simply described them as being "Hikari ...

springboot Add a property for MongoDB replica set name

MongoDB 4 provides transactions, but requires replica sets. Therefore, the clearly arranged properties database, host, u...

springboot Cassandra health indicator never report version attribute

Forward port of issue #20719 to 2.2.7.

springboot JsonParserFactory Should Look For JSON-P First

There is the class JsonParserFactory which tries to find a Json parser on the classpath. I think the first parser that i...

springboot Drop support for Ehcache 2.x

Managed dependency removal because of security issues.The direct managed dependency of net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:2.10.6 is ...

springboot CassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

The system keyspace has a replication factor of 1 and is local to each node; it is therefore recommended to query system...

springboot ReactiveCassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

Forward port of issue #20713 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot ReactiveCassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

Forward port of issue #20713 to 2.2.7.

springboot ReactiveCassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/20709#issuecomment-605461762

springboot CassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

Forward port of issue #20709 to 2.3.0.M4.

springboot CassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

Forward port of issue #20709 to 2.2.7.

springboot CassandraHealthIndicator runs a query that fails on some Consistency Levels

My team has recently decided to move from a default READ consistency level of LOCAL_QUORUM to THREE. After this change, ...

springboot Fix typos

Hi,this PR fixes a couple of typos. I should note that the particular sentence in spring-boot-features still doesn't mak...

springboot Kotlin classes are missing from source JARs

Kotlin classes are not present in Spring Boot source JARs.For example, there is no org/springframework/boot/SpringApplic...

springboot Enhance bomr to handle Kotlin version upgrades

The version is defined in gradle.properties as it's used in multiple places. This causes bomr to fail:> Task :spring-...

springboot Add property to transparently migrate deprecated endoint IDs

Currently Spring Cloud have a number of endpoints that use a legacy name (for example hystrix.stream). They would like t...

springboot SpringBootTest Incompatible with JUnit 5.6.x ?

Using Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE, and without any other changes to my project, I upgraded JUnit dependency to 5.6.1. Aft...

springboot @BasePathAwareController with jackson-dataformat-xml returns 406

spring: datasource: username: *** password: *** url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/*** data: rest: ...
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