springboot Unable to find Java

Hi, I'm developing a Spring Boot application on Ubuntu (running inside a Vagrant-managed virtual machine). I'm following...

springboot Provide an implicit layer for buildpack contributions

We should define a special layer name that's reserved for external contributions to an unpacked jar. I think the current...

springboot Make ActiveMQConnectionFactoryFactory public

As SSL ActiveMQ is not currently supported for autoconfiguration (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/17...

springboot Enhance autoconfiguration support for Spring HATEOAS.

DO NOT MERGESo far it has this:* Provide CodecCustomizer to support WebClient.* Provide RestTemplateCustomizer.* Provide...

springboot Auto Configure ClientRSocketConnector and ServerRsocketConnect for Spring integration RSocket

When I created a sample project to taste Spring Integration RSocket, but I have to create ServerRSocketConnector and Cli...

springboot A component of operating elastic search

Hello, I developed a component to operate elastic search. It has two ways to use it1. It is similar to spring-boot-start...

springboot Managing Files on Cloud

Hi AllI liked the idea of "spring-cloud-config" and able to expose environment properties as rest api's. However working...

springboot Harmonize naming of Elasticsearch auto-configuration classes

This PR harmonizes the naming of Elasticsearch auto-configuration components by including Elasticsearch in class names.I...

springboot Default for spring.kafka.listener.missing-topics-fatal is no longer aligned with Spring Kafka's default

(Also Boot 2.2).We changed the default in spring-kafka to false in 2.3.4.This property was added in S-K 2.2 with default...

springboot Design and implement a layered jar format

Following on from #12545 we'd like to enhance our fat jar format to support layer folders that are easier to use when wr...

springboot Add buildpack support

Following on from #12545 we'd like to add buildpack support so that Docker images can be created easily from Maven/Gradl...

springboot Typo in documentation

Hi,I think there is a typo in the documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#b...

springboot Migrate NewRelic metrics to NewRelicClientProvider

Regarding https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/20839., this for the updates to support the new Micromet...

springboot Added package-info to org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.ssl

Added package-info to org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.ssl.Task: #20817 Comment From: scottfrederick@c...

springboot Add package-info to org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.ssl

Comment From: cicioflaviu@wilkinsona - I'd like to work on this one as my first contribution.Comment From: snicollThanks...

springboot Improve Binder performance slightly

Hi,I'm currently trying to improve the startup of a medium sized app and found a couple of minor optimization opportunit...

springboot Application fails to start due to missing WebFluxProperties bean when using @EnableWebFlux

An exception is thrown when the program is started:org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No q...

springboot Fix unused parameters

Hi,this PR fixes some unused parameters - either by removing them or actually using them.Cheers,Christoph

springboot When using the restTemplate for check_token, the data is formatted as a string and a portion of the array is missing

code: ```@Override @Cacheable("tokenStoreKey")// @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public Map postForM...
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