springboot Upgrade to Log4j2 2.13.1

Comment From: ncabanisThe Log4j2 version 2.13.1 contains a fix for a major bug:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG...

springboot jaxws-rt

Comment From: chiru007Hi, I am trying to migrate legacy spring app to boot which is having a some SOAP services written ...

springboot Add reference to XChange starter

I updated to spring boot starter list to add a spring boot starter we made for XChange.Our project : https://github.com/...

springboot Default management endpoint error path should honor server.error.include-* properties

The ManagementErrorEndpoint controller unconditionally disables the inclusion of the trace and errors attributes of an e...

springboot Add Jackson Afterburner module to spring-boot-starter-json autoconfiguration

Hi,it seems the Jackson Afterburner Module will result in improved performance in most cases, sometimes considerably.Thu...

springboot Not Able to increase Hikari maximum connection limit size

using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa version 2.2.4. releasespring-cloud-dependencies Greenwhich.SR1Enabled below propertie...

springboot Running "format" in buildSrc isn't possible when there are errors

Hi,I just noticed that running ./gradlew format doesn't work, when there are errors that it should correct.E.g. in https...

SpringBoot Make @ConditionalOnProperty and @ConditionalOnBooleanProperty @Repeatable

I have a class that requires a couple of configuration properties to be set in order to instantiate a service, and also ...

springboot Use infinispan-hibernate-cache instead of hibernate-infinispan?

It looks like hibernate-infinispan is going to be deprecated and going forward we should prefer to use infinispan-hibern...

springboot Dynamic Code Evaluation: Unsafe Deserialization (Spring Boot 2) - how to avoid actuator related fortify issue, or is it a false positive?

Dynamic Code Evaluation: Unsafe Deserialization (Spring Boot 2) - how to avoid actuator related fortify issue, or is it ...

springboot Yaml with special maven resource delimiter will get parsing error during devtools automatic restart

IssueWith latest Spring Boot v1.5.2:If the application.yml file contains special maven resource delimiter "@", during au...

springboot Fast Restart will not respect the changing of maven resource delimiter for YAML configuration file

IssueThis is the follow up of the issueshttps://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/8438https://github.com/spr...

springboot Simplify application file encoding detection

simplify application file encoding detection,return directly when the condition is not metComment From: snicollThanks fo...

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.

springboot Switch docker upgrade script to submit issue rather than pull-request

Comment From: dreis2211May I ask why, @philwebb ? Given that the initial call was made in favor of a PR.Comment From: mb...

springboot SpringBootTests fails after upgrading from 2.1.9 to 2.2.2 with org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Unique index or primary key violation

I have a project that uses h2 in-memory database, I use data-h2.sql to load initial lookup data while project is starti...

springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image


springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image


springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image


springboot Support liveness and readiness state for Kubernetes

The new health indicator groups feature in Spring Boot 2.2 allows to create arbitrary health indicator groups. It would ...
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