springboot RabbitProperties addresses field is not sanitized by default and may contain sensitive information

Problem:The actuator configprops and env endpoints show RabbitProperties#addresses in un-sanitized form. Workaround:Thes...

springboot Upgrade CI images to Ubuntu Bionic 20200112

Forward port of issue #19913 to 2.2.5.

springboot Creating kotlin channel bean cause spring boot tests to fail

Spring boot version:"2.2.4.RELEASE"kotlinCoroutineVersion = "1.3.3"The following config results in a kotlin reflection e...

springboot Polish

This PR polishes a bit by removing String literal concatenation where possible.

springboot Polish buildSrc

Hi,this is a little polishing PR for buildSrc.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollThanks again!

springboot Upgrade to Ivy 2.5.0

Hi,this PR upgrades Ivy to 2.5.0. That should get rid of the warnings in the JDK11 & JDK13 builds:WARNING: An illega...

springboot Fix link to Spring Integration Graph documentation

Hi,this PR fixes another tiny link problem in the docs.Cheers,ChristophComment From: snicollThanks @dreis2211. The chang...

springboot Fix link to Spring Integration Graph documentation

Backport of #19992 with Maven

springboot @ConfigurationProperties on a @Value works in @SpringBootTest and fails at runtime

Given a spring-boot project with spring-actuatorGiven @SpringBootTest using @ConfigurationProperties(prefix) to remap a ...

springboot Microservice by default compressing in gzip format

Problem Statement: Microservice is by default compressing in gzip format in response when Accept-Encoding is not sent in...

springboot Upgrade to SpringData MongoDB 3.0 and MongoDB Java Driver 4.0

SpringData MongoDB intends to upgrade to the MongoDB Java Driver 4.0 (sync/reactive) with the Neumann (M1) release. This...

springboot MbeanServer should not be mandatory in KafkaMetricsAutoConfiguration

Now (Spring Boot v2.2.4.RELEASE) Kafka Autoconfiguration metrics are using JMX , but by Micrometer is not mandatory foun...

springboot spring.db.datasource.driver-class-name is not used by HikariCP

While migrating from Spring Boot 1.x to Spring 2.x getting following error while bootstrapping the application.Invocati...

springboot Upgrade to spring-javaformat 0.0.20

Forward port of issue #20011 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Upgrade to Ant 1.10.7

Hi,this PR upgrades spring-boot-antlib and spring-boot-smoke-test-ant to Ant 1.10.7.Cheers,Christoph

springboot log4j-over-slf4j not exists in spring-boot-starter-logging/pom.xml

Recently I am upgrading from spring boot 1.5.4 to spring boot 2.2.4. After upgrading to spring boot 2.2.4, I am getting ...

springboot 2.3.0.M1 accidentally reverted to using jersey-spring4 rather than jersey-spring5

Hi,apparently with the move to Gradle we're specifying org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-spring4 again, although we did sw...

springboot LiquibaseEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor is not called since spring-boot 2.2.0

Since upgrading to spring-boot 2.2.0 (from 2.1.9), our Liquibase changelogs are no longer deployed before the Hibernate ...

springboot Tomcat port

Comment From: wilkinsonaDuplicate of #20006.

springboot Tomcat port

Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the PR, but these changes are not what #17073 intends to do. We want to change the be...
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